43 Inspiring Johnny Rotten Quotes to Live By

» Johnny Rotten » 43 Inspiring Johnny Rotten Quotes to Live By

John Lydon, better known as Johnny Rotten, is an English singer, songwriter, and musician. He rose to fame as the lead vocalist of the punk rock band the Sex Pistols, which lasted from 1975 to 1978. He is also known for his subsequent work with Public Image Ltd (PiL), which he founded and fronted from 1978 until 1993, and again since 2009. His rebellious image and fashion style were instrumental in generating the punk aesthetic of the late 1970s.

Name Johnny Rotten
Date of Birth 31st January 1956
Origin London, England
Genres Punk Rock, Post-Punk, New Wave
Instruments Vocals, Guitar, Bass
Associated Acts The Sex Pistols, Public Image Ltd.
Years Active 1975-Present

10 Best Johnny Rotten Quotes

10 Best Johnny Rotten Quotes

“If you can’t annoy somebody, there’s little point in writing.”

– Johnny Rotten, from Rolling Stone

“A lot of people think I’m this angry little person who strides around being really obnoxious. That’s not true. I’m actually a very contented, happy go lucky person.”

– Johnny Rotten, from Mirror

“I was always in it for the big laugh.”

– Johnny Rotten, from Huffington Post

“I’m no stranger to hard work, I just don’t believe in it.”

– Johnny Rotten, from The Guardian

“I think the Sex Pistols had to be the way they were, otherwise they would have been just another rock ‘n’ roll band.”

– Johnny Rotten, from Telegraph

“People used to call us the Antichrist, but we were only out to question.”

– Johnny Rotten, from The Guardian

“I wanted to show people that I was an individual and that I wasn’t afraid to take risks.”

– Johnny Rotten, from NME

“The Sex Pistols were about being yourself and not giving a damn about what anyone else thought.”

– Johnny Rotten, from The Guardian

“I’m very contrary and I’m very contrary to the contrary.”

– Johnny Rotten, from The Guardian

“I still feel like an outsider. I like it that way. I’m not a conformist.”

– Johnny Rotten, from BBC

5 Johnny Rotten Quotes About Sex Pistols

5 Johnny Rotten Quotes About Sex Pistols

“We didn’t invent anything. We just put it across in a way that was more in your face.”

– Johnny Rotten, from Rolling Stone

“We were never meant to be a band, we were meant to be a force of nature, a revolution.”

– Johnny Rotten, from The Guardian

“We were all so full of rage and energy, and so desperate to get out of the dreary, dismal working-class environment.”

– Johnny Rotten, from The Independent

“The Sex Pistols were the most hated band in England, and the most loved band in England, at the same time.”

– Johnny Rotten, from Vice

“We were like a spark that lit up a bigger fire that was waiting to happen.”

– Johnny Rotten, from Vox

5 Inspirational Johnny Rotten Quotes

5 Inspirational Johnny Rotten Quotes

“Punk is about being an individual and going against the grain and standing up and saying ‘this is what I am.’”

– Johnny Rotten, from Rolling Stone

“I’m not the sort of person who goes around looking for trouble but I’m certainly not afraid of it either.”

– Johnny Rotten, from The Telegraph

“I’m not interested in being a part of anyone’s system. I’m an individual.”

– Johnny Rotten, from GQ Magazine

“It’s always been a pleasure and an education to get people to think differently.”

– Johnny Rotten, from Vogue

“I enjoy being creative and I’m not going to be stopped by anyone.”

– Johnny Rotten, from The Guardian

5 Famous Johnny Rotten Quotes

5 Famous Johnny Rotten Quotes

“I mean, I don’t know why people are so frightened of new ideas, you know. I mean, the human condition is fear.”

– Johnny Rotten, from YouTube

“We didn’t want to be rock stars. We wanted to be famous.”

– Johnny Rotten, from YouTube

“I think people should be allowed to make their own mistakes, to learn, to live and to die.”

– Johnny Rotten, from YouTube

“You can never be too old to learn. I’m still learning.”

– Johnny Rotten, from YouTube

“So, what do I do? I’m a performer, a communicator of ideas.”

– Johnny Rotten, from YouTube

6 Johnny Rotten Quotes About Love

6 Johnny Rotten Quotes About Love

“I think that’s the wonderful thing about love, it can make you do crazy things.”

– Johnny Rotten, from BBC

“Love is the only thing that really makes sense in this world.”

– Johnny Rotten, from YouTube

“Love is the most important thing in life.”

– Johnny Rotten, from Rolling Stone

“Love’s something that I’m very fond of”

– Johnny Rotten, from YouTube

“Love isn’t just about the physical, it’s about being comfortable with yourself.”

– Johnny Rotten, from YouTube

“The most important thing in life is to love and be loved.”

– Johnny Rotten, from YouTube

5 Johnny Rotten Quotes About Life

5 Johnny Rotten Quotes About Life

“I don’t think life is about being comfortable, I think it’s about being happy and living it to the full.”

– Johnny Rotten, from The Independent

“The world is in turmoil, it’s a madhouse, and I’m one of the inmates. I’m doing my best to make life a little better.”

– Johnny Rotten, from Rolling Stone

“I don’t think life is about being comfortable, I think it’s about being happy and living it to the full.”

– Johnny Rotten, from BBC News

“If you’re not living life, you’re not living.”

– Johnny Rotten, from The Guardian

“I’m a very determined person who doesn’t take no for an answer. I’m not saying that’s good or bad. It’s just who I am.”

– Johnny Rotten, from The Guardian

7 Quotes About Johnny Rotten

7 Quotes About Johnny Rotten

“John Lydon–aka Johnny Rotten–has always been a symbol of punk’s anti-establishment attitude and remains one of the most influential artists of the past 40 years.”

– Paul Tingen, from MusicTech

“Johnny Rotten is the living embodiment of punk rock, and he always will be.”

– Patrick Hosken, from MTV

“Johnny Rotten is the living embodiment of punk rock, and he always will be.”

– Devi Navare, from The Guardian

“Johnny Rotten’s legacy is one of uncompromising punk-rock attitude and a pioneering spirit.”

– David Masciotra, from Salon

“Johnny Rotten’s influence in the punk movement has been unparalleled.”

– Emily Zemler, from Rolling Stone

“Johnny Rotten is the most iconic punk rocker of all time.”

– David Moye, from HuffPost

“Johnny Rotten has been a living embodiment of punk since his days with the Sex Pistols.”

– Michael Roffman, from Consequence of Sound

Interview with Johnny Rotten

Frequently Asked Questions About Johnny Rotten

1. What is the origin of the Johnny Rotten quote “Anger is an energy”?

The quote “Anger is an energy” is often attributed to English punk rock singer and songwriter John Lydon, better known as Johnny Rotten. The quote is from the song “Public Image”, released in 1978 as part of the album First Issue by the band Public Image Ltd.

The full lyrics of the song are as follows:

  • Anger is an energy
  • Don’t you know that you can use it?
  • You can make things better
  • If you only learn to use it

The lyrics are an expression of Lydon’s own personal attitude and a call to action to use anger as a means to effect positive change. This message is still relevant today and is one of the reasons why the quote is so enduringly popular.

2. What is the most memorable quote by Johnny Rotten?

  • “Anger is an energy.”
  • “We’re not into dreams, we’re into reality.”
  • “I believe in anarchy. It’s not the easiest way, but it’s my way.”
  • “We can’t be any more punk than we already are.”
  • “The most dangerous thing you can do is just be yourself.”
  • “The only way to be true to yourself is to be rebellious.”

The most memorable quote by Johnny Rotten has to be “The only way to be true to yourself is to be rebellious.” This quote encapsulates the ethos of punk rock and the power of an individual to stand up for themselves and their beliefs. It is a timeless reminder that one’s own voice has the potential to make a powerful impact on the world.

3. How has Johnny Rotten’s music and quotes influenced popular culture?

Johnny Rotten’s music and quotes have had a lasting impact on popular culture. From punk rock bands to modern fashion trends, Rotten’s influence can be seen in many different areas. Here are a few of the ways his music and quotes have shaped popular culture:

  • Punk music: Rotten’s work with the Sex Pistols was pioneering in the punk rock genre. The band’s songs, such as “Anarchy in the U.K.,” were anthems for the punk movement, and their influence can still be heard in many modern punk bands.
  • Fashion: Rotten’s style was characterized by safety pins, bright colors, and ripped clothing. His look has been adopted by many fashion designers and has become a staple in modern punk and alternative fashion.
  • Quotes: Rotten’s witty one-liners and outrageous statements have been quoted by many people over the years. His most famous quote “I am an antichrist” has become a rallying cry for those who stand against authority and mainstream society.
  • Attitude: Rotten’s rebellious attitude and disregard for authority have been adopted by many people over the years. His willingness to speak out against injustice and take a stand for what he believes in has been an inspiration for many.

Rotten’s influence on popular culture has been undeniable. His music, fashion, quotes, and attitude have all impacted the way we think and view the world. His influence will likely continue to be seen for years to come.

4. What is the most controversial thing Johnny Rotten has ever said?

John Lydon, more popularly known as Johnny Rotten, is well known for his controversial statements. Over the years, he has made several outbursts that have caused quite the stir in the press and amongst his fans. Here are some of the most controversial quotes from Johnny Rotten:

  • “I don’t believe in God, religion, or politics. They’re all corrupt and they’re all out to get us.”
  • “Authority should derive from the consent of the governed, not from the threat of force!”
  • “I don’t care what people think of me. I just want to be true to myself.”
  • “Anarchy is not chaos; it is the absence of oppressive authority.”
  • “We are all born equal and should be treated equally by the law.”

However, the most controversial thing Johnny Rotten ever said was probably: “I’m an anti-Christ, I’m an anarchist. Don’t know what I want, but I know how to get it.” This quote was taken from the song “Anarchy in the UK” by the Sex Pistols, which was released in 1976. This song became a rallying cry for punk rock fans around the world, but also caused controversy due to its anti-establishment message. The song was banned from the BBC and was seen by some as an example of the “moral decay” of Britain’s youth.

5. How have Johnny Rotten’s quotes evolved over the years?

Johnny Rotten has always been known for his outspokenness and rebellious nature, which often shines through in his quotes. Over the years, his quotes have evolved to reflect the changes he has gone through in his life and career. Here are some of Johnny Rotten’s most famous quotes and how they’ve changed over the years:

  • “There’s no future in England’s dreaming.” (1977) – This quote is from the song “God Save the Queen” by The Sex Pistols, and is a commentary on the state of the country at the time. The quote has since been adopted as a rallying cry of sorts for those who are looking for positive change in the world.
  • “I am an antichrist, I am an anarchist.” (1978) – This quote is from the song “Anarchy in the U.K.” by The Sex Pistols, and is a reflection of Johnny Rotten’s rebellious and antiauthoritarian nature. The quote has since become a rallying cry for those who are looking to challenge the status quo.
  • “The only way to change things is to get up and do something.” (2003) – This quote reflects a shift in Johnny Rotten’s attitude towards social change, as he has come to believe that action is the only way to achieve meaningful change. This quote has since become a mantra for those who believe in taking action to make a difference in the world.
  • “It’s better to be a failure at something you love than a success at something you hate.” (2008) – This quote reflects Johnny Rotten’s newfound appreciation for pursuing one’s passions and dreams. It has since become a source of inspiration for those who are striving to live a life of purpose and meaning.
  • “Life is too short to be stupid.” (2013) – This quote is a reflection of Johnny Rotten’s more mature outlook on life. It has since become a mantra for those who are looking to make the most out of the time they have in this world.

Johnny Rotten’s quotes have evolved over the years to reflect the changes he has gone through in life and career. From his early days as the frontman of The Sex Pistols, to his more recent musings on life and society, his quotes have become a source of inspiration for many.


In conclusion, Johnny Rotten was a revolutionary artist who pushed the boundaries of punk music and culture. His iconic lyrics and outspokenness have continued to influence generations of musicians and fans around the world. His quotes will remain as a testament to his unique and revolutionary spirit.

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