» Avant-Garde » Explore 39 Inspiring Yoko Ono Quotes

Yoko Ono (born 1933) is a Japanese artist, musician, author, and peace activist. Her work encompasses performance art, filmmaking, music, and visual art. She is known for her collaborations with her late husband, John Lennon, and her political activism. Ono’s work has been exhibited in galleries around the world and has received critical acclaim. She has also received numerous awards and honors for her work, including a Golden Lion at the Venice Biennale in 2009. Ono continues to create and perform to this day, and her work remains an inspiration for many.

Name Yoko Ono
Date of Birth February 18, 1933
Nationality Japanese
Genres Fluxus, avant-garde, performance art
Occupations Artist, musician, peace activist
Notable Works Cut Piece, Grapefruit, Imagine, War Is Over!

10 Best Yoko Ono Quotes

10 Best Yoko Ono Quotes

“I believe in the power of imagination to remake the world, to release the truth within us, to hold back the night, to transcend death, to charm motorways, to ingratiate ourselves with birds, to enlist the confidences of madmen.”

– Yoko Ono, from The Believer

“We all have a choice in life: to be kind or to be cruel.”

– Yoko Ono, from The Guardian

“I think that everybody, in every country, needs to feel that they are loved and respected. That’s why I’ve been doing things like a lot of performances, because I want to get people together who might not have the same opinion, and have them feel respected.”

– Yoko Ono, from The Guardian

“All we are saying is give peace a chance.”

– Yoko Ono, from Rolling Stone

“I think that if you are too busy trying to survive, then you don’t have time for the things that make life worth living.”

– Yoko Ono, from Interview Magazine

“You don’t need to be a hero; you just have to do what you can.”

– Yoko Ono, from Rolling Stone

“I’m very interested in how people can come to understand each other and to be friendly with each other instead of being hostile.”

– Yoko Ono, from Interview Magazine

“You have to be brave and remember that you are not alone.”

– Yoko Ono, from The Guardian

“If your vision is strong enough, it can come true.”

– Yoko Ono, from The Guardian

“I just want to make sure that people everywhere have the opportunity to express themselves.”

– Yoko Ono, from NPR

7 Inspirational Yoko Ono Quotes

7 Inspirational Yoko Ono Quotes

“The sky is always there for us.”

– Yoko Ono, from NPR

“The world is a beautiful place — despite how it may look at times.”

– Yoko Ono, from NME

“I think that when we think of a dream, it’s a kind of a gift that we can give ourselves and the world.”

– Yoko Ono, from Vanity Fair

“In the future, we will not be judged by the color of our skin, but by the content of our character.”

– Yoko Ono, from The Guardian

“You don’t have to be famous to be a revolutionary.”

– Yoko Ono, from Interview Magazine

“My message is that we all have the power to make a difference.”

– Yoko Ono, from ELLE

“I want people to know that power comes from within, and that we can all be powerful.”

– Yoko Ono, from HuffPost

5 Famous Yoko Ono Quotes

5 Famous Yoko Ono Quotes

“The world is a rainbow, but some people don’t have the eyes to see it.”

– Yoko Ono, from Interview Magazine

“Everything is energy, and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”

– Yoko Ono, from Brain Pickings

“I am a dreamer. But I am not the only one.”

– Yoko Ono, from Rolling Stone

“I think of myself as a very strong woman, and I think that’s what I have been since I was a child.”

– Yoko Ono, from The Independent

“When you realize you can do anything, then you can do something.”

– Yoko Ono, from The Telegraph

7 Yoko Ono Quotes About Love

7 Yoko Ono Quotes About Love

“Love is something that you can’t just buy with money. It’s something that you have to treasure with your heart.”

– Yoko Ono, from Rolling Stone

“We all need love, and the more love we give, the more love we have.”

– Yoko Ono, from The Guardian

“Love is a strong and powerful emotion, so it can motivate people to do great things.”

– Yoko Ono, from The New York Times

“Love is a positive force that can be used to save the world.”

– Yoko Ono, from The Huffington Post

“I believe that love is the strongest thing we have in the world, and it can overcome anything.”

– Yoko Ono, from NPR

“Love is the answer to the world’s problems, and it is the only thing that can make us truly happy.”

– Yoko Ono, from BBC

“Love is the most powerful emotion in the world, and it is the only thing we can truly count on.”

– Yoko Ono, from ELLE

5 Yoko Ono Quotes About Life

5 Yoko Ono Quotes About Life

“Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved.”

– Yoko Ono, from BrainyQuote

“We are all cells in the same body of humanity.”

– Yoko Ono, from BrainyQuote

“You are alive, so you have responsibility.”

– Yoko Ono, from Rolling Stone

“I think life is exciting and wonderful, and full of surprises.”

– Yoko Ono, from The Guardian

“Life is not about possession, but about appreciation.”

– Yoko Ono, from CNBC

5 Quotes About Yoko Ono

5 Quotes About Yoko Ono

“Yoko Ono is one of the most important and influential figures in the art world and beyond.”

– The Guardian, from source host

“Yoko Ono is a pioneer, an innovator, and a true artist.”

– Los Angeles Times, from source host

“Yoko Ono is one of the most important artists of our time.”

– The New York Times, from source host

“Yoko Ono is one of the most influential female artists of the 20th century.”

– BBC, from source host

“Yoko Ono is a powerful visual artist, musician, and peace activist.”

– The Met, from source host

Interview with Yoko Ono

Frequently Asked Questions About Yoko Ono

1. What is the most famous Yoko Ono quote?

Yoko Ono is a world-renowned artist, musician, poet and peace activist. She is known for her unique and often controversial work, which often challenges the status quo and encourages people to think outside the box. She is also known for her inspiring and thought-provoking quotes. Here are some of her most famous quotes:

  • “A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.”
  • “Everything you need is already inside.”
  • “If you want to realize your dreams, you have to be ready to get out of your comfort zone.”
  • “Art is a way of expression and communication.”
  • “We are all powerful beyond measure.”
  • “Peace is not something you wish for, it’s something you make.”

Perhaps the most famous Yoko Ono quote is “Everything you need is already inside.” This quote encourages us to look within ourselves for the resources we need to make our dreams a reality. It also reminds us that we are powerful and capable of achieving our goals if we are willing to take the necessary steps.

2. How has Yoko Ono influenced the art world?

Yoko Ono is a renowned visual artist, musician, author, and peace activist who has left an indelible mark on the art world. From her time as an avant-garde artist in New York in the 1960s to her current status as a world-renowned icon of artistic expression, Yoko Ono has been a revolutionary force in the world of art. Here are some of the ways Ono has influenced the art world:

  • Yoko Ono has pushed the boundaries of what is considered art. Her pioneering work in Fluxus, an international art movement that combines aspects of performance art, music, literature, and visual art, helped to redefine what constitutes art.
  • Ono has championed the idea that art is about collaboration, not competition. Her groundbreaking artwork and performances often involve audience participation, emphasizing the idea that art can and should be a shared experience.
  • Ono has been a vocal advocate for peace and social justice. Her artwork often addresses issues of global conflict, oppression, and inequality, and her work has raised awareness and sparked conversations on these topics.
  • Ono has been a prolific creator throughout her career, producing a wide array of artwork, music, and books. Her body of work is an example of the power and potential of creativity.

Yoko Ono’s influence on the art world is undeniable. Her innovative artworks, performances, and activism have opened up new possibilities for artistic expression, and her inspiring message of peace and collaboration continues to influence artists around the world.

3. What is Yoko Ono’s Relationship to John Lennon?

Yoko Ono and John Lennon were married in 1969 and remained together until Lennon’s death in 1980. Ono and Lennon were partners in both their personal and professional lives. The couple collaborated musically on various albums and songs, including the iconic “Give Peace a Chance” and “Happy Xmas (War Is Over).” Ono and Lennon were also political activists and stood up for causes such as nuclear disarmament and the legalization of marijuana.

The couple had a son together, Sean Lennon, who was born in 1975. Ono and Sean are still close today and have collaborated musically on various projects.

Ono was Lennon’s widow and the executor of his estate and legacy. She has since kept his memory alive through various projects and initiatives, such as the John Lennon Museum in Tokyo and the John Lennon Educational Tour Bus.

Ono is still active in the music industry and has continued to be an inspiration to many artists and activists. Her work and her relationship with Lennon remain an integral part of her legacy.

Notable Collaborations with John Lennon

  • Give Peace a Chance
  • Happy Xmas (War Is Over)
  • Double Fantasy
  • Milk and Honey
  • Walking on Thin Ice

4. What are some notable works by Yoko Ono?

Yoko Ono is an artist, musician, peace activist, and author. Her artistic works range from performance art to conceptual art to film, and her music covers a wide spectrum of styles. Here are some of her most notable works:

  • Plastic Ono Band – The Plastic Ono Band is a rock band formed in 1969 by Yoko Ono, John Lennon, and a rotating lineup of other musicians. The band released two albums, “Live Peace in Toronto 1969” and “Live Peace in Tokyo 1969”.
  • Cut Piece – Cut Piece is a performance art piece by Yoko Ono in which audience members are invited to cut her clothing with scissors. It was originally performed in 1964 in Japan and has since been performed around the world.
  • Wish Tree – Wish Tree is an interactive installation piece by Yoko Ono in which participants are invited to write their wishes on a piece of paper and tie it to a tree. The project has been installed in cities across the world.
  • Walking on Thin Ice – “Walking on Thin Ice” is a single by Yoko Ono and John Lennon, released in 1981. It was the last song they recorded together before Lennon was murdered in 1980.
  • Fluxfilm Anthology – The Fluxfilm Anthology is a collection of short films by Yoko Ono, produced between 1964 and 1972. It includes the films “Bottoms”, “Fly”, and “Smile”.

5. How has Yoko Ono’s activism shaped her career?

Yoko Ono’s activism has played a large role in her career, both as an artist and a musician. As an artist, Ono has always been outspoken and has used her platform to speak out on social issues. Ono’s activism has been a part of her career since the 1960s when she and John Lennon famously took part in the anti-war movement and protested the Vietnam War. Since then, she has continued to use her art and music to speak out against war and for social justice.

Ono’s activism has also been seen in her music. She has written and performed many songs that speak out against war, racism and discrimination. In addition, she has worked with organizations such as Amnesty International and Greenpeace to spread awareness about human rights and environmental issues.

Ono’s activism has also been a major part of her art. From her iconic “Imagine” exhibit in 1971 to her more recent “Women’s Rights are Human Rights” exhibit, Ono has consistently used her art to promote peace and justice. Her art often has a political message and she has used it to call attention to issues such as war, racism and sexism.

Through her activism, Ono has been able to create a lasting impact in the art and music world. Her work has been an inspiration to other artists and musicians and has helped to bring attention to important social issues. Her activism has also made her one of the most influential and respected artists of our time.


Yoko Ono is an incredible artist whose works continue to challenge traditional definitions of art and push boundaries. She is an icon of avant-garde and conceptual art, and her works have been an inspiration to countless other artists. Through her work and her quotes, Yoko Ono encourages us to think outside the box and to always strive for the highest level of creativity. Her words and her art encourage us to be bold and daring, to take chances and to explore the unknown. Yoko Ono’s words and her art will continue to inspire generations to come.

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