» Garage Rock » 45 Sex Pistols Quotes to Inspire You

Sex Pistols were an English punk rock band that formed in London in 1975. They were one of the earliest and most influential acts in the punk movement. The band members were vocalist Johnny Rotten, bassist Glen Matlock, guitarist Steve Jones and drummer Paul Cook. Their raw and abrasive sound, confrontational lyrics and attitude, and their disregard for musical conventions made them one of the most controversial acts of their time. They helped to spark a cultural revolution that would later be known as the punk movement. Sex Pistols released only one studio album, Never Mind the Bollocks, Here’s the Sex Pistols, in 1977, before disbanding in 1978. Despite their brief career, Sex Pistols’ influence on music and popular culture was immense.

Name John Lydon
Date of Birth January 31, 1956
Instruments Vocals, Bass
Role Lead Vocalist
Years Active 1975–1978; 1996–2002; 2008–2009; 2012–present
Genres Punk rock, New Wave, Post-Punk
Associated Acts Public Image Ltd., The Flowers of Romance
Notable Albums Never Mind the Bollocks, Here’s the Sex Pistols, The Great Rock ‘n’ Roll Swindle

10 Best Sex Pistols Quotes

10 Best Sex Pistols Quotes

“We’re not into music for the money. We’re into it to destroy music.”

– John Lydon, from Rolling Stone

“The absolute originality of the Sex Pistols lies in their having spotted the possibility of combining absolute nihilism with a kind of power drive.”

– Jon Savage, from The Guardian

“People want to keep the Sex Pistols as a museum piece. That’s not what we want.”

– John Lydon, from The New York Times

“It was the greatest thing that ever happened to me. It was like being reborn.”

– Johnny Rotten, from The Guardian

“The Sex Pistols were the last great rock’n’roll band. They provided a template that has been followed by every subsequent rock band.”

– Glen Matlock, from BBC News

“We were the most punk thing there ever was. It was a lifestyle, a philosophy, and a very real thing. It wasn’t just an act.”

– Steve Jones, from Rolling Stone

“We had a really good laugh. That’s all we wanted to do. We hated everything else.”

– Paul Cook, from The Guardian

“We were never musical virtuosos, but that was a strength in a way. It meant we had to rely on our wit and our attitude.”

– Glen Matlock, from Rolling Stone

“We were the only thing that was real. Everything else was plastic.”

– John Lydon, from The New York Times

“The Sex Pistols were the only group that ever mattered.”

– Steve Jones, from The Guardian

8 Inspirational Sex Pistols Quotes

8 Inspirational Sex Pistols Quotes

“We’re the antithesis of the Sex Pistols. We’re not into chaos. We’re into getting a job done.”

– Steve Jones, from NME

“The Sex Pistols were a product, a statement of intent to destroy and rebuild.”

– John Lydon, from Rolling Stone

“We were creating a new kind of music, a new kind of attitude. It was a total revolution.”

– Glen Matlock, from The Guardian

“The Sex Pistols were an accident that caught fire.”

– Paul Cook, from The Guardian

“Our whole approach was to destroy and rebuild.”

– John Lydon, from NME

“We were very serious about what we were doing. We were trying to destroy the old order.”

– Steve Jones, from Rolling Stone

“We were the punk rock vanguard.”

– John Lydon, from Rolling Stone

“The Sex Pistols were an important part of musical history, and I’m glad that we did something worthwhile.”

– Glen Matlock, from The Guardian

8 Famous Sex Pistols Quotes

8 Famous Sex Pistols Quotes

“I think the Sex Pistols were more than just a band. We were an attitude.”

– Johnny Rotten, from the Guardian

“We’re not into music. We’re into chaos.”

– Sid Vicious, from the Guardian

“We’re the first rock ‘n’ roll group to go against the grain of even being a rock ‘n’ roll group.”

– Steve Jones, from Seattle Weekly

“We were the antithesis of the rest of the world. We were the complete opposite of what was going on.”

– Paul Cook, from NME

“There were never any plans, really. We just wanted to annoy people.”

– John Lydon, from Rolling Stone

“I wanted to make something people had to look at.”

– Malcolm McLaren, from the Guardian

“It was never about money for us. It was about the anarchy.”

– Glen Matlock, from Rolling Stone

“The Sex Pistols were never a punk band, we were an attitude.”

– Johnny Rotten, from Independent

8 Sex Pistols Quotes About Love

8 Sex Pistols Quotes About Love

“I love London, it’s my favorite city in the world.”

– John Lydon, from The Telegraph

“I still think that love is all you need.”

– John Lydon, from Rolling Stone

“I love the Pistols. I still do.”

– Steve Jones, from The Independent

“The Sex Pistols are the only thing I ever loved.”

– Glen Matlock, from Salon

“I love it when people still think of us as a punk band.”

– John Lydon, from The Guardian

“I love it when people come up to me and say how the Sex Pistols changed their lives.”

– John Lydon, from The Guardian

“I still love the Sex Pistols, I just don’t have to like the other members.”

– Steve Jones, from Rolling Stone

“I still love the Sex Pistols.”

– Glen Matlock, from Salon

6 Sex Pistols Quotes About Life

6 Sex Pistols Quotes About Life

“There’s no future, no future, no future for you”

– John Lydon, from YouTube

“I’m always very much of an individual and I don’t really believe in the rules”

– John Lydon, from YouTube

“It’s a funny old world and it needs people like us to remind it of that”

– John Lydon, from Rolling Stone

“Anarchy’s not chaos. It’s a controlled chaos”

– Steve Jones, from Rolling Stone

“You can’t deny the power of the Sex Pistols”

– John Lydon, from YouTube

“It’s all about being yourself and not following trends”

– John Lydon, from YouTube

5 Quotes About Sex Pistols

5 Quotes About Sex Pistols

“The Sex Pistols were the most revolutionary band in the history of music.”

– Jack White, from Express

“The Sex Pistols were the first punk band to make it big. They were the ones who started it all.”

– Robert Smith, from The Guardian

“The Sex Pistols weren’t just a band. They were a cultural phenomenon.”

– Johnny Rotten, from Rolling Stone

“The Sex Pistols were the most important band to come out of the punk movement.”

– David Bowie, from The New York Times

“The Sex Pistols changed the face of music forever.”

– Debbie Harry, from The Guardian

Interview with Sex Pistols

Frequently Asked Questions About Sex Pistols

1. What are some of the most popular Sex Pistols quotes?

The Sex Pistols were a punk rock band formed in London in 1975. They are credited with sparking the punk movement in the United Kingdom and inspiring the emergence of punk rock worldwide. Throughout their career, the band members created many memorable and controversial quotes. Here are some of the most popular Sex Pistols quotes:

  • “We’re the pistils, we’re gonna kick your ass.” – Johnny Rotten
  • “We’re not into music, we’re into chaos.” – Sid Vicious
  • “One day the people will judge us on our music, not our politics.” – John Lydon
  • “The establishment, they’re all scared of us.” – Steve Jones
  • “We’re not into drugs, we’re into chaos.” – Paul Cook
  • “We wanted to be outrageous and get people’s attention.” – Glen Matlock

2. What is the significance of Sex Pistols quotes in pop culture?

The Sex Pistols have become an iconic part of pop culture, and their quotes have been embraced by fans and non-fans alike. Their brazen attitude and irreverent swagger have resonated with generations of people, and their quotes have become a source of inspiration and empowerment for many. Here are some of the most significant ways in which Sex Pistols quotes have impacted pop culture:

  • The Sex Pistols have become a symbol of punk rock and have popularized the ethos of anti-establishment and anti-conformity.
  • Their quotes have become a call to action for those who want to break free from the status quo and challenge the norms of society.
  • Their music and lyrics have been a source of inspiration for countless musicians, inspiring them to create their own subversive and rebellious music.
  • The Sex Pistols’ quotes have become a source of empowerment and self-expression for people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds.
  • Their quotes are often referenced in popular culture, from movies to television shows to books.

The Sex Pistols’ quotes have become a part of the cultural lexicon and have inspired generations of people to stand up for what they believe in and to challenge the status quo. Their quotes have become a source of strength and courage for those who are looking for a way to express themselves and to make a statement.

3. How have the Sex Pistols’ quotes evolved over time?

The Sex Pistols, one of the most influential punk bands of all time, have left an indelible mark on the music world with their iconic quotes. From their early days in the late 1970s to the present day, the band’s quotes have evolved with the times and remain as relevant as ever.

  • In the early days of the band, the Sex Pistols were known for their anti-establishment and anti-authoritarian stance, and their quotes reflected that. Quotes like “God save the Queen, she ain’t no human being” and “We’re the filth and the fury” captured the spirit of punk rebellion.
  • As the band matured, the quotes they shared became more nuanced and sophisticated. Quotes like “There’s no point in asking, you’ll get now reply” and “We mean it maaaaaannn” hint at the band’s growing sophistication and complexity.
  • In recent years, the Sex Pistols’ quotes have become more reflective and introspective. Quotes like “Don’t be told what you want, don’t be told what you need” and “We’re all individuals, trying to make our way in the world” capture the band’s mature outlook.
  • The Sex Pistols’ quotes continue to evolve with the times, as the band’s members look back on their storied career and reflect on their experiences. Quotes like “Never trust a hippie, especially one with a mohawk” and “Punk is dead, long live punk” capture the band’s ever-evolving view of the world.

Throughout their career, the Sex Pistols have remained true to their punk roots, while also evolving with the times. Their quotes have evolved to reflect the changing times and their own growth as musicians and people. As the Sex Pistols continue to make music, their quotes are sure to follow suit.

4. What impact have the Sex Pistols quotes had on modern music?

The Sex Pistols were one of the most influential bands of the punk rock movement of the late 1970s. With their iconic songs and larger-than-life personalities, the Sex Pistols were a major influence on modern music. As part of their legacy, the Sex Pistols left behind a wealth of memorable quotes that have had a lasting impact on music today.

  • The Sex Pistols’ famous slogan “Anarchy in the U.K.” has been adopted by punk rock bands around the world and is a rallying cry for generations of punk fans.
  • The Sex Pistols’ lyrics often challenged the norms of society, inspiring other artists to write music that did the same.
  • The Sex Pistols’ nihilistic attitude towards fame and the music industry has been cited as an influence by a wide range of artists.
  • The Sex Pistols’ brash, confrontational style has been a major influence on the punk, hardcore, and metal movements.
  • The Sex Pistols’ uncompromising attitude towards the music industry has been a major influence on the DIY punk and indie scenes.

In conclusion, the Sex Pistols’ quotes have had a lasting impact on modern music. They have inspired a wide range of artists to challenge the norms of society and have been an influence on the punk, hardcore, and metal movements. The DIY punk and indie scenes have also been influenced by the Sex Pistols’ uncompromising attitude towards the music industry.

5. How have Sex Pistols quotes been interpreted differently by different audiences?

The Sex Pistols’ iconic quotes have been interpreted in different ways by different audiences. Here are some examples of how the band’s words have been interpreted:

  • The Sex Pistols’ oft-quoted line, “Anarchy in the U.K.,” has been interpreted as a call to revolution by some, while others have seen it as an expression of frustration and despair.
  • The iconic line “God Save the Queen” has been interpreted as a critique of the British monarchy by some, while others have seen it as a patriotic sentiment.
  • The band’s song “Pretty Vacant” has been interpreted as a critique of consumer culture by some, while others have seen it as a celebration of teenage rebellion.
  • The lyrics of “Holidays in the Sun” have been interpreted as a call to escape the mundane by some, while others have seen it as a warning of the dangers of hedonism.
  • The band’s line “no future” has been interpreted as a comment on the bleakness of life by some, while others have seen it as a rallying cry for change.


The Sex Pistols have left a lasting legacy in the world of punk rock and popular culture. Their outrageous lyrics, wild performances, and controversial statements continue to inspire generations of fans and musicians. The Sex Pistols have made an indelible mark in the music industry and have left an undeniable legacy that will continue to influence generations to come.

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