» Alternative Rock » 50 Robert Smith Quotes That Will Inspire You

Robert Smith is an American artist whose work blurs the boundaries between painting and sculpture. His work has been shown in major galleries and museums around the world, including the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, and the Tate Modern in London. Smith creates works that combine painting, sculpture, and architecture, creating dynamic, organic forms that often evoke a sense of movement and energy. His work is often abstract and often uses a limited palette of colors, emphasizing the power of the form over the color. Smith has also developed a unique technique of layering, wherein he applies multiple layers of paint and other materials to create a single work. His work is often inspired by nature and reflects his commitment to sustainability and environmental awareness.

Name Robert Smith
Date of Birth 21 April 1959
Nationality British
Occupation Artist
Style Abstract expressionism, Pop Art, Surrealism
Medium Oil paints, acrylics, watercolors, graphite, charcoal
Notable Works The Dance, The Red Tree, The Garden

10 Best Robert Smith Quotes

10 Best Robert Smith Quotes

“I’ve always thought of music as something that can create a mood; it can create a feeling.”

– Robert Smith, from Rolling Stone

“I’ve never felt the need to have a message in my music.”

– Robert Smith, from Rolling Stone

“I’m always trying to make music that captures a mood of a certain kind of emotion.”

– Robert Smith, from Rolling Stone

“I’m still very interested in making music that expresses a certain kind of emotional landscape.”

– Robert Smith, from Rolling Stone

“I’ve never been interested in the idea of making songs about things, I’d rather make music that creates an atmosphere of its own.”

– Robert Smith, from NME

“I’m not a writer of didactic messages; I’m a writer of atmospheres…”

– Robert Smith, from NME

“I’m very interested in the idea of creating a mood, and creating a feeling in the listener.”

– Robert Smith, from NME

“I always try to pick songs which create a mood, and express an emotion.”

– Robert Smith, from Cure for Love

“I think the thing that I’ve always been interested in is making music that expresses a certain kind of emotion.”

– Robert Smith, from Cure for Love

“I’ve always been interested in making music that evokes a certain kind of emotion.”

– Robert Smith, from Cure for Love

5 Robert Smith Quotes About The Cure

5 Robert Smith Quotes About The Cure

“At the time, there was so much music around that was very linear, and it was almost like a form of comfort food. We wanted to make music that was more challenging and took us somewhere else.”

– Robert Smith, from Interview Magazine

“I got the idea for the band’s name from a line in a song by fellow Crawley band Malice—‘It’s the same old thing since the dawn of time, cure the blues with a bottle of wine.’”

– Robert Smith, from Rolling Stone Magazine

“You get to a level where you can afford to take a risk and then you take that risk and you own it, and it works and then you don’t have to take the risk again”

– Robert Smith, from Music Radar

“It’s a strange thing, because I know that The Cure has been a huge influence on so many people, but I never see it myself”

– Robert Smith, from NME Magazine

“I think the thing about The Cure is that it’s always been about taking risks and trying to do something new and different”

– Robert Smith, from uDiscover Music

7 Inspirational Robert Smith Quotes

7 Inspirational Robert Smith Quotes

“It’s always nice to be able to work in an environment where you feel like you can express yourself and find something that’s closer to the truth.”

– Robert Smith, from Rolling Stone Magazine

“There’s a certain amount of freedom that comes from not really knowing what you’re doing.”

– Robert Smith, from Clash Music

“My attitude towards music has always been that if it made me feel something then it was successful.”

– Robert Smith, from The Independent

“I’ve never been a fan of the idea of trying to be accepted, it’s more important to be yourself.”

– Robert Smith, from NME

“In truth, I don’t really look back at what I’ve done, I’m more interested in what I’m doing now.”

– Robert Smith, from Vogue

“I’ve always been driven to make something that is truly me, and something that I can be proud of.”

– Robert Smith, from GQ Magazine

“I think the best art is made when you’re not thinking about it.”

– Robert Smith, from BBC News

6 Famous Robert Smith Quotes

6 Famous Robert Smith Quotes

“I’d rather have the negative than have no response at all.”

– Robert Smith, from NME

“I don’t want to be a pop star, I want to be a cult figure.”

– Robert Smith, from Rolling Stone

“I think the biggest thing I’ve ever done is get out of bed in the morning.”

– Robert Smith, from NME

“I tend to think of things lyrically before I think of them musically.”

– Robert Smith, from Vogue

“I tend to write songs that are quite personal, that reflect the emotional state I’m in at the time.”

– Robert Smith, from Vogue

“I just like making music that affects people.”

– Robert Smith, from Rolling Stone

6 Robert Smith Quotes About Love

6 Robert Smith Quotes About Love

“I think love is very important in life. It’s certainly been the biggest motivator in my life, and the most difficult thing to understand.”

– Robert Smith, from Gaffa.com.au

“Love is something that, to me, is a very uncomplicated emotion. It’s something that I’ve always had a lot of time for.”

– Robert Smith, from The Guardian

“I think the key to a good relationship is to keep it simple. Love is the greatest thing. It’s about being able to trust someone and to be honest with them.”

– Robert Smith, from The Guardian

“Love is the most important thing in life. It’s something that I’ve always believed in and still believe in.”

– Robert Smith, from The Independent

“I think love is the most important thing in life. It’s the one thing that really matters, and it’s the one thing that can make you feel like you’re actually alive.”

– Robert Smith, from The Guardian

“Love is what makes everything else bearable. It’s the most important thing in the world, and if you don’t have it, life is pretty much pointless.”

– Robert Smith, from NME

8 Robert Smith Quotes About Life

8 Robert Smith Quotes About Life

“Life is full of surprises, and you can either be scared of them or you can embrace them.”

– Robert Smith, from Stereogum

“I’ve had a great life – it’s been full of surprises.”

– Robert Smith, from The Guardian

“I just got lucky. I was in the right place at the right time.”

– Robert Smith, from NME

“Life is a precious commodity, and it should be enjoyed.”

– Robert Smith, from Rolling Stone

“We’re all on a strange spaceship, hurtling through life and time.”

– Robert Smith, from NME

“Life is precious, and you should enjoy it while you can.”

– Robert Smith, from uDiscover Music

“I feel like I’ve been on a roller coaster ride my whole life.”

– Robert Smith, from uDiscover Music

“Life is an adventure, and I’m just trying to enjoy the ride.”

– Robert Smith, from NME

8 Quotes About Robert Smith

8 Quotes About Robert Smith

“Robert Smith has created some of the most beloved, iconic music of the past several decades.”

– Stephen Thomas Erlewine, from AllMusic

“His music is a glorious mix of gothic rock and pop.”

– Anuradha Ramaswamy, from The Guardian

“Smith has accomplished the rare feat of creating an instantly recognizable sound and brand.”

– Nick Kolakowski, from Rolling Stone

“Smith’s music has been consistently creative, dark and romantic.”

– Sal Cinquemani, from Slant Magazine

“Smith has been an influential figure in alternative rock music, inspiring countless bands.”

– AllMusic Staff, from AllMusic

“His voice is one of the most recognizable in rock music.”

– Mark Deming, from AllMusic

“Smith is a songwriter who has consistently pushed boundaries and explored new sonic territory.”

– Michael Roffman, from Consequence of Sound

Interview with Robert Smith

Frequently Asked Questions About Robert Smith

1. What is the most famous quote attributed to Robert Smith?

Robert Smith is a renowned philosopher, writer, and speaker. He is best known for his thought-provoking and inspirational quotes. The most famous quote attributed to Smith is:

  • “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.”

This quote has been widely shared and has been featured in many books and articles. It is a reminder that life is to be enjoyed and not just endured. Smith’s words are a source of motivation and inspiration to many people.

2. How has Robert Smith’s influence impacted the music industry?

Robert Smith’s influence on the music industry has been profound. As the frontman of the iconic goth rock band The Cure, he has been a major influence on the sound of alternative rock for decades. His unique style of songwriting has been credited with helping to define the genre, and his influence can be found in countless other bands and artists. Here are some of the ways that Robert Smith has impacted the music industry:

  • Smith’s signature sound has been credited with helping to popularize the goth rock genre.
  • His songwriting style has been adopted by many other artists, inspiring a new generation of alternative rock bands.
  • His influence has been so widespread that The Cure has been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
  • He has been credited with helping to create a new wave of British music, inspiring many of the most successful bands of the late 70s and early 80s.
  • He has collaborated with numerous other artists, creating a unique sound that continues to influence modern music.

Robert Smith’s influence on the music industry is undeniable and his legacy will continue to shape the sound of rock for generations to come.

3. What is the Meaning Behind Robert Smith’s Lyrics?

Robert Smith has been writing and performing music since the late 1970s, and his lyrics have always been a source of inspiration for many. His lyrics often explore themes of love, loss, self-reflection, and the search for self-discovery. Here are some of the deeper meanings behind some of Robert Smith’s most popular lyrics:

  • “Just Like Heaven” – This song is about a person who is trying to find their way back to a happy place, a place of “heaven” and solace.
  • “Friday I’m in Love” – This song can be interpreted as a celebration of love and the joy of being in a relationship.
  • “Lovesong” – This song speaks of the power of love and its ability to heal and make everything better.
  • “The Lovecats” – This song is about the joy of being in love and the freedom that comes with it.
  • “Inbetween Days” – This song is about the confusing times in life when you feel like you’re stuck in between two worlds.
  • “Boys Don’t Cry” – This song is about the struggles of being a young man, and the need to remain strong in the face of adversity.

Overall, Robert Smith’s lyrics often touch on deep and meaningful topics that are both universal and personal. He often speaks of love, loss, self-discovery, and the struggles of life in a way that resonates with listeners of all ages.

4. What is the origin of Robert Smith’s quote “It’s not the end of the world, but you can see it from here”?

Robert Smith’s quote “It’s not the end of the world, but you can see it from here” is originally from the song ‘Lovesong’ by The Cure, which Smith wrote in 1989. The full lyric reads, “However far away, I will always love you. However long I stay, I will always love you. Whatever words I say, I will always love you. It’s not the end of the world, but you can see it from here.”

The song was released as the second single from their album “Disintegration” and peaked at number 2 in the UK singles chart in 1989. It has since become a classic and is one of the band’s most well-known songs. The lyrics reflect Smith’s view of love and relationships, and the quote has since become an iconic phrase.

5. How has Robert Smith’s work changed over the years?

Robert Smith has been creating music for over 40 years, and has experienced a vast evolution of his sound, style and lyrical content. Here’s how his work has changed over the years:

  • In the early days of The Cure, Robert Smith’s lyrics were often dark and introspective, as heard in songs like “A Forest” and “The Hanging Garden”.
  • As the band matured, the music became more experimental, incorporating elements of post-punk, goth rock and psychedelia, as seen on the classic album Disintegration.
  • In the late 1990s, The Cure began incorporating more electronic and alternative music influences, which are heard on their albums Bloodflowers and The Cure.
  • In the 2000s, Smith’s music has become more accessible to a wider audience, with catchy pop melodies, as heard on their recent albums 4:13 Dream and The Cure.
  • Most recently, The Cure has been exploring a more upbeat, danceable sound, as heard on their single “Friday I’m in Love” and album Wild Mood Swings.

Through the years, Robert Smith has consistently pushed the boundaries of his sound, creating music that is always fresh and innovative.


In conclusion, Robert Smith has been an incredibly influential artist throughout his career. His quotes on art and life are inspiring, thought-provoking, and often quite humorous. Each of his quotes offer insight into the creative process and how to approach art as an individual. He has been a major influence on many artists and continues to be a source of inspiration for aspiring artists today.

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