39 Oscar Peterson Quotes to Inspire You to Reach Your Full Potential

» Bebop » 39 Oscar Peterson Quotes to Inspire You to Reach Your Full Potential

Oscar Peterson was a Canadian jazz pianist and composer. He was one of the most celebrated and influential jazz pianists of all time, and one of the most recorded artists in the genre. His career spanned over six decades, and he was a major influence on many jazz pianists of the following generations. He was known for his impeccable technique, inventive improvisations, and passionate, blues-based sound. His recordings and performances of jazz standards, as well as his original compositions, are widely admired and have been widely acclaimed by critics and fans alike.

Name Oscar Peterson
Genre Jazz
Instruments Piano
Date of Birth August 15, 1925
Location Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Years Active 1949-1993
Notable Works The Trio, Night Train, We Get Requests, Exclusively for My Friends

10 Best Oscar Peterson Quotes

10 Best Oscar Peterson Quotes

“I think it’s important to have a good time. Music is a social event and should be enjoyed by everyone.”

– Oscar Peterson, from All About Jazz

“I’m not a great believer in more notes. I think the secret to music is having the right notes, not the wrong ones.”

– Oscar Peterson, from All About Jazz

“I believe that it’s important to be able to feel something in a performance. I believe that you have to feel something, to be able to express yourself in music.”

– Oscar Peterson, from All About Jazz

“There’s no such thing as good or bad music, there’s just music.”

– Oscar Peterson, from Smooth Jazz Therapy

“Music is about communication. It’s about making a connection. It’s about feeling something, and then being able to express it.”

– Oscar Peterson, from Smooth Jazz Therapy

“For me, the keyboard is like a canvas. I paint pictures with sound.”

– Oscar Peterson, from Allmusic

“Music is the most consistent form of communication that I know of.”

– Oscar Peterson, from Allmusic

“I think it’s important to have a good time. Music is a social event and should be enjoyed by everyone.”

– Oscar Peterson, from Wikipedia

“I don’t think it’s possible to play jazz without a sense of swing.”

– Oscar Peterson, from Allmusic

“I don’t like to talk about music. I like to play it.”

– Oscar Peterson, from Allmusic

6 Inspirational Oscar Peterson Quotes

6 Inspirational Oscar Peterson Quotes

“Don’t be afraid to try new things and to look for things that maybe never existed before.”

– Oscar Peterson, from The Guardian

“I think that any artist worth his or her salt should try to be original, and be inventive and come up with something that hasn’t been heard before.”

– Oscar Peterson, from NPR

“I think that improvisation is the highest form of musical expression.”

– Oscar Peterson, from The Star

“I just wanted to play music that was beautiful, that was lyrical and that was meaningful.”

– Oscar Peterson, from The Morning Call

“I don’t think too much in terms of styles. I want to be a musician first.”

– Oscar Peterson, from The New York Times

“I don’t think in terms of barriers. I think in terms of communication. That’s the most important thing for me.”

– Oscar Peterson, from The Guardian

6 Famous Oscar Peterson Quotes

6 Famous Oscar Peterson Quotes

“I don’t think of myself as a great pianist, I think of myself as a creative artist.”

– Oscar Peterson, from The Guardian

“The most important thing to me is that the audience gets something special.”

– Oscar Peterson, from Youtube

“I love the freedom of jazz, the idea of being able to express yourself.”

– Oscar Peterson, from Youtube

“I love to play. That’s what I live for.”

– Oscar Peterson, from Youtube

“I try to focus the music on the audience and not on myself.”

– Oscar Peterson, from Youtube

“I think of jazz as a living entity, a living music.”

– Oscar Peterson, from Youtube

5 Oscar Peterson Quotes About Love

5 Oscar Peterson Quotes About Love

“Love is the thing that carries us, and it’s the thing that makes us strong, and it’s the thing that helps us deal with the problems that we all face in life.”

– Oscar Peterson, from All About Jazz

“Love is the most important thing in life, and music is an expression of it.”

– Oscar Peterson, from All About Jazz

“I’ve always tried to put as much love as I can into my music.”

– Oscar Peterson, from The Canadian Encyclopedia

“Love is the basis of everything, and I think that comes through in my music.”

– Oscar Peterson, from The Canadian Encyclopedia

“Love is the basis of music, and it is the basis of life.”

– Oscar Peterson, from All About Jazz

7 Oscar Peterson Quotes About Life

7 Oscar Peterson Quotes About Life

“I’m convinced that everything that’s worthwhile in life has to come out of struggle.”

– Oscar Peterson, from All About Jazz

“Music has to do with the realm of the soul, and with the spirit — it’s one of the purest of the arts.”

– Oscar Peterson, from All About Jazz

“I don’t believe in luck. I believe in control of one’s destiny.”

– Oscar Peterson, from All About Jazz

“I didn’t become an artist to become famous. I became an artist out of necessity. Music was the only thing that I wanted to do.”

– Oscar Peterson, from Jazz on the Tube

“The only way you can really keep your creativity alive is to be constantly exploring.”

– Oscar Peterson, from Jazz on the Tube

“I look at music as a way of communicating with people, and I don’t think it needs to be complicated to do that.”

– Oscar Peterson, from Jazz on the Tube

“I think it’s important that we inspire each other. I think it’s important that we build upon each other’s ideas and our music.”

– Oscar Peterson, from Jazz on the Tube

5 Quotes About Oscar Peterson

5 Quotes About Oscar Peterson

“Oscar Peterson is the jazz artist who has been the most important influence in my life.”

– Herbie Hanckock, from All About Jazz

“Oscar Peterson had a way of playing the piano that was so special, so unique. He had such a tremendous technique. He was a marvel.”

– Diana Krall, from All About Jazz

“He had the most amazing technique and the most amazing sense of swing. I don’t think anyone will ever play like that again.”

– Keith Jarrett, from The Guardian

“Oscar Peterson is the most astonishingly facile pianist in the world today. He can do things that nobody else can do.”

– Miles Davis, from The Atlantic

“He was a giant, who had a huge influence on the way people play jazz piano.”

– Benny Green, from The New York Times

Interview with Oscar Peterson

Frequently Asked Questions About Oscar Peterson

1. What is the most famous Oscar Peterson Quote?

The most famous quote from jazz pianist, composer, and bandleader Oscar Peterson is: “If you don’t take the time to practice, you don’t have any right to play.”

This quote reflects Oscar Peterson’s dedication to his craft, and his belief that hard work and dedication will result in great music. Peterson was an extremely accomplished musician and one of the most important figures in jazz history. He was a master of improvisation, a master of technique, and an innovative composer. His quote encapsulates his approach to music, emphasizing the importance of practice and dedication.

Other well-known Oscar Peterson quotes include:

  • “Music is the most beautiful of all arts, and it’s the most powerful of all sciences.”
  • “Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy.”
  • “Music can change the world because it can change people.”
  • “Music is a universal language, it can reach people on a level that nothing else can.”

Oscar Peterson’s quotes reflect his passion for music and his belief that it can bring about positive change in the world. He is remembered as one of the greatest jazz musicians of all time and his legacy lives on in his words.

2. What genres of music did Oscar Peterson compose?

Oscar Peterson was an incredibly versatile and talented musician, but he was particularly known for his jazz compositions. He was able to seamlessly blend together a variety of genres of music, including classical, blues, bebop, and Latin jazz. He was also a master of jazz improvisation and was able to masterfully incorporate his own unique style into any genre.

  • Classical
  • Blues
  • Bebop
  • Latin jazz

3. What awards did Oscar Peterson win in his lifetime?

Throughout his illustrious career, Oscar Peterson amassed numerous awards and accolades, including eight Grammy Awards, the Canadian Music Hall of Fame, the International Jazz Hall of Fame, and a Juno Award. He was also awarded the Order of Canada, and was honored with a star on Canada’s Walk of Fame.

  • 8 Grammy Awards
  • Canadian Music Hall of Fame
  • International Jazz Hall of Fame
  • Juno Award
  • Order of Canada
  • Star on Canada’s Walk of Fame

4. How did Oscar Peterson influence the jazz music landscape?

Oscar Peterson’s influence on jazz music is undeniable. As one of the most influential jazz musicians of the 20th century, Peterson left behind a lasting legacy in the world of jazz. Here are some of the ways in which he influenced the jazz music landscape:

  • Peterson was one of the first jazz musicians to embrace the bebop style of jazz, which was pioneered by Charlie Parker and Dizzy Gillespie. He was also one of the first to incorporate influences from classical music and Latin music into jazz.
  • He was a virtuoso pianist and one of the most recorded jazz musicians in history, releasing over 200 albums throughout his career.
  • He was an innovator, creating a unique style of piano playing that blended classical and jazz elements.
  • He was a mentor and teacher to many of the jazz greats, including Herbie Hancock, Chick Corea, and Wynton Marsalis.
  • His music has been covered by many other jazz artists, and his compositions are still performed today.

As a result of his influence, Oscar Peterson’s music is still considered a major influence on jazz music today. He is remembered as one of the greatest jazz pianists of all time, and his influence will continue to be felt for generations to come.

5. What albums or recordings by Oscar Peterson are considered must-haves?

Oscar Peterson is one of the most influential jazz pianists of all time, and his recordings are some of the most celebrated in jazz music. Here are some of the must-have albums and recordings of Oscar Peterson that should be in any jazz fan’s collection:

  • Night Train
  • The Trio 1964
  • The Way I Really Play
  • The Oscar Peterson Trio At The Stratford Shakespearean Festival
  • We Get Requests
  • The Very Tall Band
  • The Good Life
  • Affinity
  • Live At The Blue Note
  • My Favorite Instrument


Oscar Peterson was a phenomenal jazz pianist, composer and arranger, who gained a reputation throughout his career as one of the greatest jazz musicians of all time. His skill and creativity allowed him to craft some of the most beautiful and memorable pieces of music in the history of jazz. His quotes are a testament to his appreciation for music and for his own craft. Oscar Peterson left us with a legacy of brilliant music and inspiring words that will live on forever.

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