52 Michael Hutchence Quotes to Inspire You

» INXS » 52 Michael Hutchence Quotes to Inspire You

Michael Hutchence (22 January 1960 – 22 November 1997) was an Australian musician and actor. He is best known as the lead singer and lyricist of the rock band INXS, who achieved international success in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Hutchence was a charismatic and dynamic frontman whose on-stage persona made him a sex symbol. He was known for his soulful good looks and powerful on-stage presence. His private life was often reported in the Australian and international press, with a string of love affairs with prominent actresses, models and singers. Hutchence’s personal life was often reported and trailed in the Australian and international press, with a series of loves affairs with prominent actresses, models and singers. Hutchence won the Best International Artist at the 1991 BRIT Awards with INXS. He acted in feature films, including Dogs in Space (1986), Frankenstein Unbound (1990) and Limp (1997).

Name Michael Hutchence
Born 22nd January, 1960
Genre Rock, New Wave, Pop
Instruments Vocals, guitar, keyboards
Labels Virgin, Warner Music
Associated Acts INXS, Max Q, The Farriss Brothers

10 Best Michael Hutchence Quotes

10 Best Michael Hutchence Quotes

“Love is a very mysterious thing, and I think it’s a very powerful thing too.”

– Michael Hutchence, from MTV

“I don’t think I’m a particularly great singer, but I like the way I sing.”

– Michael Hutchence, from MTV

“I still think it’s important to be a bit of a rebel, to stay true to yourself and not be swayed by fashion.”

– Michael Hutchence, from Rolling Stone

“There’s nothing wrong with being a bit of an individual.”

– Michael Hutchence, from Rolling Stone

“It’s such a strange feeling being up on stage, and it’s so hard to describe.”

– Michael Hutchence, from Rolling Stone

“A lot of the time, I just stand there and look out at the audience and try to feel what they’re feeling.”

– Michael Hutchence, from Rolling Stone

“I’m not a very competitive person, but I’m competitive with myself.”

– Michael Hutchence, from Rolling Stone

“I think it’s important to be inspired by the world around you.”

– Michael Hutchence, from Rolling Stone

“Music has always been a big part of my life, and it’s always been an escape for me.”

– Michael Hutchence, from Rolling Stone

“I think that music is the most powerful thing we have in the world.”

– Michael Hutchence, from Rolling Stone

7 Michael Hutchence Quotes About INXS

7 Michael Hutchence Quotes About Inxs

“I’m very proud of INXS and the way we’ve been able to make some sort of statement musically, and to be able to keep our integrity.”

– Michael Hutchence, from NME

“INXS is a real team, everyone has an opinion, it’s not just one person dominating.”

– Michael Hutchence, from The Independent

“INXS is the only band I’ve ever been in and sometimes I wish I had more experience of being in different groups.”

– Michael Hutchence, from Rolling Stone

“The whole thing about INXS is to try to be unpredictable.”

– Michael Hutchence, from The Independent

“With INXS, we’ve been able to make a living out of rock and roll and we’re still together.”

– Michael Hutchence, from Rolling Stone

“INXS is one of those bands that will never break up; we’ve been living together for 13 years.”

– Michael Hutchence, from NME

“INXS albums, I think, are like a diary of our lives.”

– Michael Hutchence, from The Guardian

8 Inspirational Michael Hutchence Quotes

8 Inspirational Michael Hutchence Quotes

“You have to be original, because if you’re like someone else, what do they need you for?”

– Michael Hutchence, from LiveAbout

“I think most people like to be challenged, and I’m no exception. The challenge is to make music that stands up to the test of time.”

– Michael Hutchence, from Rolling Stone

“I think the best way to make something interesting is to take risks.”

– Michael Hutchence, from Rolling Stone

“When I’m singing, I’m in another place. I’m in a zone.”

– Michael Hutchence, from LiveAbout

“You have to go with what feels right. That’s the key.”

– Michael Hutchence, from Rolling Stone

“I’m always striving to discover something new and to push myself.”

– Michael Hutchence, from INXS

“You can’t get too comfortable. You have to keep moving.”

– Michael Hutchence, from LiveAbout

7 Famous Michael Hutchence Quotes

7 Famous Michael Hutchence Quotes

“Sometimes I think I’m a total failure at being a pop star”

– Michael Hutchence, from Rolling Stone

“I disagree with the whole idea of being a role model, it’s a lot of responsibility. I’m just a pop singer. I don’t feel that I’m qualified to give anyone advice.”

– Michael Hutchence, from Rolling Stone

“I’m just a singer in a rock and roll band, I’m not a political leader”

– Michael Hutchence, from YouTube

“The truth is, I love performing. And I love the idea of being a pop star. It’s something I’ve wanted since I was a kid”

– Michael Hutchence, from INXS

“I can’t stand the idea of being a ‘rock star’. It’s a lot of responsibility. I’m just a person trying to have some fun”

– Michael Hutchence, from YouTube

“I’m just a singer in a rock and roll band. I’m not a preacher, I’m not a politician…”

– Michael Hutchence, from YouTube

“I’m a singer, a pop star, and I’m a little bit of a showman. I want people to get off on the energy of the music”

– Michael Hutchence, from INXS

7 Michael Hutchence Quotes About Love

7 Michael Hutchence Quotes About Love

“Love is a great thing, it’s so powerful it can make or break you.”

– Michael Hutchence, from YouTube

“Love is the most important thing in the world.”

– Michael Hutchence, from YouTube

“Love is a great thing, it keeps you alive.”

– Michael Hutchence, from YouTube

“Love is a great thing, it’s a gift.”

– Michael Hutchence, from YouTube

“Love is a great thing, it’s a mystery. There’s no one answer.”

– Michael Hutchence, from YouTube

“Love is the primary emotion.”

– Michael Hutchence, from YouTube

“Love is a great thing, it’s a blessing.”

– Michael Hutchence, from YouTube

6 Michael Hutchence Quotes About Life

6 Michael Hutchence Quotes About Life

“Life is a short journey. You have to live it as best you can.”

– Michael Hutchence, from MichaelHutchence.net


“I lived a few years in the fast lane and I found out it wasn’t for me.”

– Michael Hutchence, from NME.com


“I believe in the power of music. I think it can be a great force for good in people’s lives.”

– Michael Hutchence, from MichaelHutchence.net


“You can’t just sit around and wait for life to happen. You have to get out there and make it happen.”

– Michael Hutchence, from BrainyQuote.com


“Life is too short to worry about the little things. You have to enjoy every moment.”

– Michael Hutchence, from MichaelHutchence.net


“You have to grab life and live it, or it will slip away from you.”

– Michael Hutchence, from BrainyQuote.com

7 Quotes About Michael Hutchence

7 Quotes About Michael Hutchence

“Michael Hutchence was a true rock star.”

– Bobby Brown, from Rolling Stone

“Michael was a star, a magical force of nature, a beautiful man and a great friend.”

– Ken Done, from Sydney Morning Herald

“Michael was one of the most gentle, beautiful people I ever knew.”

– Tom Jones, from The Independent

“This kid had something special, something that made you take notice.”

– Colin Newman, from The Guardian

“He was a person with a strong character, he was a person who had something to say.”

– Ollie Olsen, from ABC News

“Michael’s music and his spirit will live on forever.”

– Bono, from Rolling Stone

Interview with Michael Hutchence

Frequently Asked Questions About Michael Hutchence

1. What was Michael Hutchence’s most famous quote?

Michael Hutchence was an Australian musician, singer-songwriter and actor best known as the lead vocalist and lyricist of rock band INXS. Throughout his career, he was known for his soulful, husky voice and his captivating stage presence. He left behind a legacy of unforgettable music and powerful lyrics.

Below is a list of some of Michael Hutchence’s most famous quotes:

  • “I think that love is the biggest thing in the world; it’s the only thing worth fighting for.”
  • “The most important thing in life is to be true to yourself.”
  • “Don’t let anyone ever dull your sparkle.”
  • “You can’t buy time; time’s free, and it’s priceless.”
  • “You can’t be a rebel and not expect a few bruises.”
  • “If you can’t laugh at yourself, you take life much too seriously.”

However, Michael Hutchence’s most famous quote is:

“I’m never gonna die, I’m gonna make it.”

2. What is the context behind Michael Hutchence’s famous quote “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth”?

Michael Hutchence, an iconic musician and frontman of the rock band INXS, was known for his outspoken views on social issues and his lyrics often carried deeper meanings. His famous quote, “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth”, was taken from the Biblical text of Matthew 5:5.

The quote illustrates Hutchence’s belief that those who are humble and unassuming will triumph in the end. This concept of humility as a virtue is a recurring theme in his music, and it’s clear that Hutchence wanted to spread this message to his listeners.

Hutchence’s quote has since become an inspirational mantra for many, and it serves as an example of how words can have a lasting impact. Here are some of the ways you can apply this message to your life:

  • Be patient and don’t rush to judgement.
  • Focus on your own personal growth, rather than comparing yourself to others.
  • Don’t be discouraged when faced with challenges, as they can be a source of growth and strength.
  • Remember to be kind to those around you and always give back to your community.

3. How did Michael Hutchence’s words influence his fans?

Michael Hutchence’s words have been incredibly influential to his fans. His ability to communicate emotion and passion through his lyrics connected with many and resonated deeply. His words formed the soundtrack to many of his fans’ lives, providing comfort during difficult times, and hope for a better future.

  • His lyrics showed that it was okay to be vulnerable, to express feelings and to cry.
  • He was unafraid to express his opinions and beliefs openly, even when they challenged the status quo.
  • He encouraged his fans to live life to the fullest, to take risks and to never give up.
  • His words taught us the importance of standing up for what we believe in and being unapologetic about our passions and dreams.
  • He reminded us to stay true to ourselves and to never forget to have fun.

Michael Hutchence’s words continue to inspire and motivate his fans to this day. His words have had a lasting impact and will continue to do so for many years to come.

4. What other quotes by Michael Hutchence are widely known?

Michael Hutchence is a beloved figure in the world of music and his legacy lives on through his inspiring quotes. Here are some of Michael Hutchence’s most iconic quotes:

  • “The only real failure is not to be true to the best one knows.”
  • “There’s no point in living if you can’t feel alive.”
  • “We can only go forward by looking back.”
  • “Life is too short to be anything but happy.”
  • “You can’t move forward if you keep looking back.”
  • “The only way to really be alive is to risk it all.”
  • “Live in the moment, for tomorrow may never come.”
  • “If you don’t take risks, you’ll have a wasted soul.”
  • “The only way to get through life is to laugh at it.”
  • “You can’t be afraid to make mistakes, because without them you’ll never learn.”

These quotes by Michael Hutchence are poignant reminders of the importance of taking risks and living life to the fullest. No matter the circumstances, we should strive to stay true to ourselves and enjoy the moment.

5. How did Michael Hutchence’s words capture the human experience?

Michael Hutchence had an uncanny ability to capture the human experience in his words. His lyrics were full of emotion, insight, and raw honesty, which resonated with fans around the world. Here are some of the ways his words spoke to the human experience:

  • He explored the complexity of relationships, from the joys of love to the pain of heartbreak.
  • He wrote about the power of music to bring people together and the importance of cherishing life’s moments.
  • He offered a glimpse into his own personal struggles and emotions, giving his listeners a sense of understanding and comfort.
  • He spoke of the need to be true to oneself, to live authentically, and to stay open to life’s possibilities.
  • He encouraged his listeners to break free from the expectations of others and live life on their own terms.

Michael Hutchence’s words were a reminder to us all that life is full of beauty and joy, but also of pain and struggle. His words gave us comfort, understanding, and most importantly, hope in times of difficulty.


In conclusion, Michael Hutchence was an incredibly talented artist whose words and music continue to inspire and entertain audiences to this day. His influence on the music industry will be remembered for years to come. His quotes provide insight into his creative process and his unique outlook on life. His music and words will continue to be celebrated and his legacy will live on.

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