» Alternative Rock » 43 Mark E Smith Quotes to Inspire You

Mark Edward Smith (5 March 1957 – 24 January 2018) was an English singer, songwriter and musician. He was the lead singer, lyricist, and only constant member of the post-punk group The Fall, which he founded in 1976. His vocal style ranged from spoken word to ranting and singing, and his music often featured repetition and deconstruction of rock music conventions. He was described by The Guardian as “one of the most influential and idiosyncratic figures in rock”.

Name Mark E Smith
Genre Post-punk, Alternative Rock
Date of Birth 5 March 1957
Origin Salford, England
Occupation Musician, Singer, Songwriter
Instruments Guitar, Vocals
Years Active 1976–2018
Associated Acts The Fall, The Smiths

10 Best Mark E Smith Quotes

10 Best Mark E Smith Quotes

“I’m always trying to do something I’ve never done before, anything to stop me getting bored.”

– Mark E Smith, from The Quietus

“I just can’t be bothered with things that are too easy. I’m not interested in doing something everyone else is doing.”

– Mark E Smith, from The Guardian

“I just get on with it and I don’t think about it. I think if you start thinking about things too much then you can get into trouble and your music can suffer.”

– Mark E Smith, from The Guardian

“I’m not really an entertainer, I’m a composer.”

– Mark E Smith, from BBC

“I think I got bored with the idea of bands a long time ago. I still like the idea of a band and the dynamics of it but I’d rather create something that’s a little bit more abstract.”

– Mark E Smith, from The Quietus

“I don’t think it’s necessarily important to be original, it’s important to be good.”

– Mark E Smith, from The Guardian

“I’m always looking for a way to make something sound different. I get bored easily so I’m always looking for something a bit different.”

– Mark E Smith, from BBC

“I’ve got a unique sense of humor which I’ve used in the past and I’m still using that.”

– Mark E Smith, from Rolling Stone

“I don’t think the world needs a lot of modern music.”

– Mark E Smith, from BBC

“I do what I want and if people don’t like it, they don’t like it.”

– Mark E Smith, from Rolling Stone

6 Inspirational Mark E Smith Quotes

6 Inspirational Mark E Smith Quotes

“It’s my mission in life to explode the whole thing and keep the best bits.”

– Mark E Smith, from The Guardian

“You can’t sit around waiting for inspiration to hit you. You’ve got to go out and find it.”

– Mark E Smith, from NME

“I think the only way to be successful is to do something original.”

– Mark E Smith, from The Guardian

“I was driven by curiosity and a need to express myself, and a big dollop of anger.”

– Mark E Smith, from The Independent

“If you can’t be bothered to think, then it’s not worth doing.”

– Mark E Smith, from The Guardian

“I’m on a mission to make music people haven’t heard before.”

– Mark E Smith, from The Independent

7 Famous Mark E Smith Quotes

7 Famous Mark E Smith Quotes

“I’m not a team player, I’m a solo artist. I don’t want to be in a group. I’d hate it.”

– Mark E Smith, from The Guardian

“I hate all this nostalgia stuff. I like to work with young people.”

– Mark E Smith, from The Guardian

“I’m not in it for the money. I don’t care about money. I don’t even like money.”

– Mark E Smith, from The Guardian

“I’m not a punk icon, I’m an artist.”

– Mark E Smith, from The Guardian

“I don’t want to sound like everybody else. That’s why I never let anybody else write for me.”

– Mark E Smith, from The Guardian

“I don’t work with people I don’t like and I don’t like people who don’t work.”

– Mark E Smith, from The Guardian

“I’m not a pop star and I never have been. That’s the mistake that a lot of people make about me.”

– Mark E Smith, from The Guardian

7 Mark E Smith Quotes About Love

7 Mark E Smith Quotes About Love

“Love is a wonderful thing when you can get it.”

– Mark E Smith, from The Guardian

“I think love is a wonderful thing…if you can get it.”

– Mark E Smith, from The Guardian

“I’m a romantic and I’m a believer in love.”

– Mark E Smith, from The Telegraph

“Love is a terrible thing, isn’t it?”

– Mark E Smith, from The Guardian

“You can’t live without love.”

– Mark E Smith, from The Guardian

“Love is a very important thing for me.”

– Mark E Smith, from The Guardian

“Love is a funny thing…you can’t really get rid of it.”

– Mark E Smith, from The Guardian

5 Mark E Smith Quotes About Life

5 Mark E Smith Quotes About Life

“I think life’s too short to worry about stuff like that.”

– Mark E. Smith, from The Guardian

“You have to have respect for the fact that life is short.”

– Mark E. Smith, from The Independent

“I mean, life is too short to muck about.”

– Mark E. Smith, from The Guardian

“Life is too short to be bored.”

– Mark E. Smith, from BBC

“Life’s too short to spend it with people who don’t like you.”

– Mark E. Smith, from The Guardian

8 Quotes About Mark E Smith

8 Quotes About Mark E Smith

“For me, he was punk rock’s greatest survivor, a wiry figure of stubborn individualism and deep northern wisdom.”

– Simon Price, from The Guardian

“The Fall were a constant reminder that music could always be stranger and more challenging.”

– Alexis Petridis, from The Guardian

“He was a total inspiration, a true artist and a one-off.”

– Noel Gallagher, from NME

“He had an incredible wit, a brilliant sense of humor and a unique, timeless style.”

– Edwyn Collins, from NME

“He was a great example of someone who was totally uncompromising and did it his own way.”

– John Robb, from NME

“Mark was a great, great artist, a unique figure in British music.”

– Johnny Marr, from NME

“He was a great friend to me and I’m going to miss him dearly.”

– John Peel, from The Independent

Interview with Mark E Smith

Frequently Asked Questions About Mark E Smith

1. What are some of Mark E Smith’s most famous quotes?

Mark E Smith, the late frontman of the English post-punk band The Fall, was known for his witty, caustic, and often cryptic quotes. He often used his words to create a sense of mystique around The Fall, as well as express his own unique outlook on life. Here are some of his most memorable quotes:

  1. “If it’s me and your granny on bongos, it’s The Fall.”
  2. “I think I’m the only person in the world to have ever attempted to make a living out of being a swearword.”
  3. “I don’t believe in fate, but I do believe in momentum.”
  4. “I think I’m a bit of a one-off. I don’t really fit into any scene.”
  5. “I’m not interested in nostalgia. You can’t go back—you have to go forward.”
  6. “I don’t care if I’m not understood. That’s never been my ambition.”
  7. “I’m not here to please people. I’m here to make them think.”

2. What is the origin of Mark E Smith’s quote, “There’s always something happening and you don’t know what it is”?

Mark E Smith is an English musician, singer, and songwriter of post-punk band The Fall. He is well known for his unique and often cryptic lyrics which he delivered in a distinctive Lancashire accent. The quote “There’s always something happening and you don’t know what it is” comes from the song “The NWRA” which was released in 1982 as part of The Fall’s album “Hex Enduction Hour”.

The song is an energetic, punchy number, with Smith’s trademark barbed vocals and a relentless rhythm. The lyrics convey the idea of the chaos and confusion that can be found in life, with no clear guidance or direction. Smith’s lyrics speak of a society in which “there’s always something happening, and you don’t know what it is”, and suggests that life can be unpredictable and chaotic.

The quote has become a memorable part of Smith’s legacy, and has been quoted by many critics and writers. It is often used to describe the feeling of confusion and uncertainty that can be experienced when life throws us a curveball.

The quote has been embraced by many fans of The Fall, and has become an oft-repeated phrase in many conversations about the band and their music. It is also a reminder of Smith’s unique and often enigmatic lyrical style.

3. How did Mark E Smith’s use of language influence his songwriting?

Mark E Smith’s use of language was as unique as his music. His lyrics often incorporated surrealism, references to obscure literary figures, and unusual words and phrases. His use of language had a major influence on his songwriting, as he used it to convey complex emotions and ideas.

  • Smith often used abstract language and metaphors to express his ideas.
  • He was known to use words and phrases from various languages, creating an eclectic and unique style.
  • Smith’s lyrics often incorporated imagery and vivid descriptions, creating an atmosphere that was as captivating as it was thought-provoking.
  • Smith also had a knack for creating catchy and memorable phrases, making his songs memorable and quotable.

The influence of Mark E Smith’s use of language can be seen in his songwriting. His lyrics were often poetic, humorous, and thought-provoking, and were a major influence on the post-punk and indie music scenes.

4. What did Mark E Smith believe were the most important elements of good music?

Mark E Smith, the frontman of the English post-punk band The Fall, was known for his unique approach to music and his strong opinions on the craft. According to Smith, the most important elements of good music are:

  1. Originality
  2. Authenticity
  3. Passion
  4. Energy
  5. Freedom

“Good music is not about following trends or hitting the right notes,” Smith said. “It’s about expressing yourself in a way that is honest and original. Music should be full of passion and energy, and the artist should feel free to explore and experiment.”

5. How did the music of Mark E Smith and The Fall reflect the changing musical landscape of Britain in the 1980s?

The music of Mark E Smith and The Fall was an important part of the changing musical landscape of Britain in the 1980s. The group’s unique mix of punk, post-punk, experimental, and new wave sounds created a distinct sound that was not only unique, but also reflected the changes taking place in British music of the time.

  • Mark E Smith and The Fall’s style of punk was heavily influenced by the post-punk movement, which had grown in popularity in the late 1970s and early 1980s. They blended elements of punk and post-punk with experimental and new wave sounds, creating a sound that was completely unique.
  • The Fall’s music often featured themes of alienation and disillusionment, which were reflective of the social and political climate of Britain at the time. This was an important part of the band’s sound, and it helped to capture the essence of the era.
  • The Fall’s music was also heavily influenced by the emerging indie and alternative rock scenes. They incorporated elements of these genres into their sound, creating a hybrid of punk, post-punk, and alternative sounds.
  • The Fall’s music was a reflection of the changing times in Britain. It captured the spirit of the era and helped to shape the sound of British music in the 1980s.


Mark E Smith was a true artist and an extraordinary musician whose contribution to the world of music cannot be understated. He was an innovator and a visionary, who brought a unique and distinct sound to the world of punk music. His lyrics were full of wit and intelligence, and his songs were always thought-provoking and entertaining. He was a true original, and his music will live on for generations to come.

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