» Bassists » 46 Lemmy Kilmister Quotes to Inspire and Amuse

Lemmy Kilmister, born Ian Fraiser Kilmister, was an English singer, songwriter, and musician best known as the founder and frontman of the British heavy metal band Motörhead. A vocalist, bassist and songwriter, Lemmy’s powerful voice and distinctive style made him an instantly recognizable figure in the hard rock and heavy metal genres. He was heavily influenced by rock and roll and the blues, and he wrote and performed music in a wide variety of musical styles throughout his career. Lemmy was known for his tough attitude, his irreverent wit, and his hard-living lifestyle, which included heavy drinking and smoking. He was also known for his generosity, often giving away his possessions to those in need. Lemmy died of cancer on December 28, 2015, at the age of 70. He remains a legend in the world of rock and roll, and his influence can still be heard in the music of many modern artists.

Name Lemmy Kilmister
Genre Heavy Metal/Hard Rock
Instruments Vocals, Bass guitar, Acoustic guitar, Keyboard
Date of Birth December 24, 1945
Origin Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent, England
Years Active 1967-2015
Labels Polydor, Bronze, Heavy Metal Records, Steamhammer

10 Best Lemmy Kilmister Quotes

10 Best Lemmy Kilmister Quotes

“If you think you are too old to rock ‘n’ roll, then you are.”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from The Independent

“If you don’t live it, it won’t come out of your horn.”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from Ultimate Guitar

“I like to think I was born with a little bit of attitude.”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from

“I don’t believe in God, but I’m afraid of him.”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from
Huffington Post

“If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from Vice

“I’m not a role model, I’m a rocker.”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from Rolling Stone

“If you want to be successful, you have to believe in yourself and work hard.”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from Metal Sucks

“You can’t please everybody, so don’t even try.”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from The Guardian

“You can’t get away from yourself, so you might as well enjoy it.”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from YouTube

“Be yourself and don’t apologize for it.”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from Spin

5 Lemmy Kilmister Quotes About Motörhead

5 Lemmy Kilmister Quotes About Motörhead

“I am the founder of Motörhead, I’m the leader of Motörhead and I’m the singer of Motörhead. That’s what I do, I’m Motörhead.”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from Rolling Stone

“You know, Motörhead is the only band I’ve ever been in. I’ve been in Motörhead for 35 years and it’s a full-time job.”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from MetroLyrics

“Motörhead was never a heavy metal band, we were a rock ‘n’ roll band.”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from Louder Sound

“I wrote Ace of Spades and wrote all the Motörhead stuff. That was my job.”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from BBC News

“We’re just a rock’n’roll band, that’s all, but we’re a damn good one.”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from The Guardian

8 Inspirational Lemmy Kilmister Quotes

8 Inspirational Lemmy Kilmister Quotes

“If you think you’re too old to rock’n’roll then you are.”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from The Telegraph

“If you’re going to be a rock star, be a rock star.”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from Rolling Stone

“I sold my soul for Rock ‘n’ Roll a long time ago, and I’m still looking for the receipt.”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from Rolling Stone

“I don’t believe in truth and lies, I only believe in rock’n’roll.”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from Loudersound

“I’m always a rocker, and I don’t care if I’m 80.”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from The New York Times

“You can’t leave rock and roll alone. It’s like life, it keeps coming back at you.”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from The Guardian

“If you love it, that’s all that matters.”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from Loudersound

“I’m not an optimist, because I’m not sure that anything will get better. But I’m an optimist in that I think it’s important to try and make things better.”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from The Guardian

5 Famous Lemmy Kilmister Quotes

5 Famous Lemmy Kilmister Quotes

“If you think you’re too old to rock’n’roll, then you are”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from Rolling Stone

“I don’t have any particular message to convey except, ‘Do what you want, but don’t hurt nobody’”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from NME

“I think you can be a rock star at any age. You just have to want to do it”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from Grammy.com

“I just want to be Lemmy. That’s all I want to do. That’s all I’ve ever wanted to do”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from Louder Sound

“There’s no such thing as a guilty pleasure. If you like it, you like it”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from Louder Sound

8 Lemmy Kilmister Quotes About Love

8 Lemmy Kilmister Quotes About Love

“I was always a romantic. I was always chasing after girls. When I was 8, I wrote a letter to a girl I liked telling her I would love her forever.”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from Rolling Stone


“I was always a romantic. Love is the most important thing. That’s why I wrote love songs.”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from The Guardian


“It’s not the same, but I think it’s still love. You just have to give it a different name.”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from The Guardian


“I always had the idea that love was a game you didn’t have to win. If you’re in it for the long haul, it’s all good.”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from The Guardian


“There’s no such thing as too much love. You can never have too much of it.”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from Rolling Stone


“I tried the love thing, but I wasn’t very good at it. I don’t think I was cut out for it.”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from Spinner


“I don’t think people understand what real love is. It’s not about sex or anything like that. It’s about being there for someone.”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from Spinner


“Love is like a flower, it needs to be nurtured and cared for, or it will wilt and die.”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from The Guardian

5 Lemmy Kilmister Quotes About Life

5 Lemmy Kilmister Quotes About Life

“Life’s too short to be miserable.”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from Loudersound

“I’ve had a good life, no complaints.”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from Rolling Stone

“If you can find something that you like and that you’re good at, you’re halfway there.”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from Music Radar

“I am a survivor, I guess.”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from Newsweek

“I don’t believe in God, heaven, hell, reincarnation, any of that stuff…I think that when you die, that’s it.”

– Lemmy Kilmister, from The Guardian

5 Quotes About Lemmy Kilmister

5 Quotes About Lemmy Kilmister

“He was a unique character in rock and roll and he’ll be terribly missed”

– Gene Simmons, from Rolling Stone

“Lemmy was a one of a kind, a true legend and an inspiration”

– Ozzy Osbourne, from Rolling Stone

“He was a great friend and an inspiration to so many. A unique person and a true rocker”

– Dave Grohl, from Grammy.com

“He was a lovely, lovely man. I just feel privileged to have known him”

– Nikki Sixx, from Rolling Stone

“He was one of a kind and he was like a father to me”

– Slash, from Rolling Stone

Interview with Lemmy Kilmister

Frequently Asked Questions About Lemmy Kilmister

1. What was Lemmy Kilmister’s most famous quote?

Lemmy Kilmister, the iconic frontman of the English rock band Motörhead, was known for his brash and rebellious attitude. He had an impressive list of memorable quotes that he often used to express his opinion and worldview. Some of his most famous quotes include:

  • “If you think you’re too old to rock ‘n’ roll, then you are.”
  • “Rock ‘n’ roll is an attitude, not a fashion.”
  • “There’s only one way to rock.”
  • “Too much of anything is bad, but too much of good whiskey is barely enough.”
  • “The only way to feel the noise is when it’s good and loud.”
  • “It’s a long way to the top if you wanna rock ‘n’ roll.”

But perhaps Lemmy’s most famous quote is “Live fast, die old,” which encapsulates his own life motto and is a tribute to the spirit of rock ‘n’ roll. He lived his life to the fullest and helped to shape and define the sound of heavy metal. He will be remembered as one of the greatest rockers of all time.

2. What motivations did Lemmy Kilmister have for his lyrics?

Lemmy Kilmister was one of the most influential rock musicians of all time, and his lyrics were an integral part of his success. His lyrics were often frank, raw and unapologetic, often reflecting his life experiences. Here are some of the motivations that drove Lemmy’s lyrics:

  • His own life experiences: Lemmy had a wide range of experiences and insights from his life, and these often found their way into his lyrics. He often wrote about his struggles with addiction, his experiences of loss, and his love of rock and roll.
  • The experiences of others: Lemmy was known for being a great listener and was often inspired by the stories of those around him. He was a great storyteller and often wrote about the experiences of others.
  • Political commentary: Lemmy was not afraid to use his lyrics to speak out against injustice and oppression. His songs often contained powerful messages of protest.
  • Humour: Lemmy was known for his wicked sense of humour, and his lyrics often contained humorous anecdotes and observations.

Lemmy’s lyrics were powerful and timeless, and his motivations for writing them will continue to be an inspiration for generations to come.

3. How did Lemmy Kilmister’s unique style of songwriting influence other musicians?

Lemmy Kilmister’s unique style of songwriting has had a lasting impact on music. His creative approach to writing lyrics and creating songs has inspired countless musicians and songwriters. Here are some of the ways his songwriting has influenced others:

  • Lemmy’s songwriting style was known for its simplicity but with a great sense of melody and emotion. He often used basic chords and simple but effective lyrics to create memorable hooks and choruses.
  • Lemmy often wrote songs that were politically and socially conscious. His songs often touched on topics like war, poverty, and social injustice. This inspired other artists to write more socially conscious lyrics.
  • Lemmy was a master of blending different musical genres. He was able to combine punk, rock, metal, and even blues in a way that was unique and refreshing. This has inspired other musicians to explore different genres and mix them into their own music.
  • Lemmy’s signature growl was an integral part of his songwriting. His distinct vocal style was an inspiration for other musicians to explore and experiment with their own unique singing style.

Lemmy Kilmister’s influence on music is undeniable. His unique style of songwriting has had a lasting impact on countless musicians and songwriters, and he will never be forgotten.

4. What did Lemmy Kilmister think of the rock and roll lifestyle?

Lemmy Kilmister, frontman of the iconic British rock band Motorhead, was known for his love of the rock and roll lifestyle. He embraced the spirit of rock and roll and often spoke about his admiration for the music, the lifestyle, and the culture. Here are some of his quotes about the rock and roll lifestyle:

  • “Rock and roll is a lifestyle, and it’s an attitude. It’s not something you can learn from a book.”
  • “Rock and roll isn’t just about the music, it’s about the attitude.”
  • “If you want to be a rock and roll star, it’s not just about the music. You have to live it.”
  • “Rock and roll is the most fun thing you can do in life. You can be your own person and express yourself however you want.”
  • “Rock and roll isn’t just about the music. It’s about the attitude, the energy, and the spirit of the people who make it.”

5. What did Lemmy Kilmister say about the power of music?

Lemmy Kilmister, the founder, bassist, and lead singer of the rock band Motörhead, had some inspiring words to say about the power of music.

  • “Music has healing power. It has the ability to take people out of themselves for a few hours.”
  • “Music is a great emotional release. It gives you a chance to get away from all the bullshit and worries in life.”
  • “Music is the greatest communication in the world. Even if people don’t understand the language that you’re singing in, they still know good music when they hear it.”
  • “Music has the power to bring people together, no matter what culture they come from. Music can bridge the gap between people that nothing else can.”
  • “Music is a powerful tool to bring about social and cultural change. It can be used to unite people, to express their emotions, and to fight for their rights.”


Lemmy Kilmister was an influential and unique musician who left an everlasting impact on the music industry. His iconic quotes on life, music, and fame will continue to inspire generations to come. His words cut right through to the heart of what it means to live a creative life. He was a true artist and his legacy will live on in the hearts and minds of music fans everywhere.

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