Discover 43 Inspirational Keith Jarrett Quotes

» Avant-Garde » Discover 43 Inspirational Keith Jarrett Quotes

Keith Jarrett is an American pianist and composer who is widely recognized as one of the greatest jazz musicians of all time. He has released over 100 albums and won numerous awards, including seven Grammy Awards. His career spans five decades, and he has performed and recorded in many different genres, including classical, jazz, blues, gospel, and world music. Jarrett is known for his improvisational style, often utilizing elements of classical music, folk music, and jazz in his compositions. He has also been an influential figure in the development of jazz fusion.

Name Keith Jarrett
Genre Jazz
Instruments Piano, Organ, Synthesizer, Violin, Flute, Drums, Percussion
Date of Birth May 8, 1945
Labels ECM Records, Impulse!, Atlantic Records
Notable Works The Köln Concert, My Song, Standards, The Melody at Night, With You
Awards Grammy Award for Best Jazz Instrumental Performance (Solo), Grammy Award for Best Improvised Jazz Solo

10 Best Keith Jarrett Quotes

10 Best Keith Jarrett Quotes

“I think that music is a kind of language that you can use to communicate with yourself and with other people.”

– Keith Jarrett, from The Guardian

“I’m always aware that I’m playing for an audience, and I’m always aware that I’m playing for myself.”

– Keith Jarrett, from The Guardian

“The most important thing to me in music is the sound. It’s the only way I can express myself.”

– Keith Jarrett, from The Guardian

“I think that improvising is a way of expressing yourself without having to think of what to say or what to do. It’s like a very freeing kind of experience.”

– Keith Jarrett, from The Guardian

“The great thing about improvisation is that it’s like a language with no boundaries. You can express anything.”

– Keith Jarrett, from The Guardian

“One of the most important things when playing music is to be in the moment. To be in the present.”

– Keith Jarrett, from Piano News

“Music is a language that can communicate a lot more than words can.”

– Keith Jarrett, from Piano News

“The best improvisers are the ones who can be in the moment and just react to what is happening.”

– Keith Jarrett, from Piano News

“The music is already there, the musician is just discovering it.”

– Keith Jarrett, from Piano News

“Music is a way of expressing yourself without having to think of what to say or do.”

– Keith Jarrett, from Piano News

8 Inspirational Keith Jarrett Quotes

8 Inspirational Keith Jarrett Quotes

“The more I practice, the luckier I get.”

– Keith Jarrett, from Rolling Stone

“You have to realize that the creative process is always mysterious.”

– Keith Jarrett, from Jazzwax

“I think a great part of creativity is just showing up.”

– Keith Jarrett, from Jazz in America

“I think the best way to learn and discover something new is to practice.”

– Keith Jarrett, from Jazz in America

“My goal is to reach a point where I have no ideas, nothing is preconceived.”

– Keith Jarrett, from Jazzwax

“I just try to get out of the way and let the music come through.”

– Keith Jarrett, from The Guardian

“The best thing a musician can do is practice, and the rewards are immense.”

– Keith Jarrett, from Jazzwax

“I want to be as open as possible.”

– Keith Jarrett, from The Guardian

6 Famous Keith Jarrett Quotes

6 Famous Keith Jarrett Quotes

“The audience and I are one. I can’t do it without them.”

– Keith Jarrett, from NPR


“I’m interested in the moment of creation, the moment when the listener and I both discover what this is going to be.”

– Keith Jarrett, from NPR


“I’m not a religious person, but I do think that improvisation is a kind of spiritual experience.”

– Keith Jarrett, from NPR


“The music comes from me, but it’s not me.”

– Keith Jarrett, from The New Yorker


“In a way, it’s a kind of prayer to be able to be in that situation.”

– Keith Jarrett, from The New Yorker


“I’m trying to make something that was never made before.”

– Keith Jarrett, from NPR

5 Keith Jarrett Quotes About Love

5 Keith Jarrett Quotes About Love

“I think that the real basis of all music is love, the love of music.”

– Keith Jarrett, from All About Jazz

“I don’t think anything could equal love – it’s the basis for everything.”

– Keith Jarrett, from Jazz Times

“Love is the most important aspect of music. If it’s not there, you don’t have anything.”

– Keith Jarrett, from All About Jazz

“Love is the power that makes music happen. Without it, music is nothing.”

– Keith Jarrett, from Jazz Times

“The beauty of music is that there is no right or wrong – only love and understanding.”

– Keith Jarrett, from All About Jazz

6 Keith Jarrett Quotes About Life

6 Keith Jarrett Quotes About Life

“I think the most important thing in life is to be yourself, and not to worry so much about what other people think.”

– Keith Jarrett, from Jazz Times

“I think life is about being alive, not about being a celebrity.”

– Keith Jarrett, from Jazz Times

“I think life is a very precious thing and we should use every moment to make it better.”

– Keith Jarrett, from All About Jazz

“Life is a process of learning and growing, and I think that’s what I’m still doing.”

– Keith Jarrett, from All About Jazz

“Life is a big challenge, and it’s really about how you deal with it.”

– Keith Jarrett, from

“Life is a long, winding road, and the only thing that matters is that you take it one step at a time.”

– Keith Jarrett, from

8 Quotes About Keith Jarrett

8 Quotes About Keith Jarrett

“One of the most important and influential pianists of the second half of the twentieth century.”

– All About Jazz, from All About Jazz

“The piano is the closest thing we have to a time machine. Keith Jarrett has gained a cult-like following for his ability to take listeners on a historical journey across the keys.”

– Jazziz, from Jazziz

“Jarrett is a master of every style he takes on, from classical to jazz and folk.”

– BBC Music, from BBC Music

“The Keith Jarrett Trio is one of the most consistently inventive working bands in jazz.”

– JazzTimes, from JazzTimes

“He is one of the few musicians who have transcended genre in both classical and jazz music.”

– The New York Times, from The New York Times

“Jarrett is a master of improvisation, and his music is often a reflection of his inner thoughts and feelings.”

– The Washington Post, from The Washington Post

“Jarrett has been called ‘the most amazing improviser you’ll ever hear.’”

– The Washington Post, from The Washington Post

Interview with Keith Jarrett

Frequently Asked Questions About Keith Jarrett

1. What are some of Keith Jarrett’s most famous quotes?

Keith Jarrett is a renowned jazz pianist, composer, and improviser who has been performing for over 60 years. His music has captivated audiences around the world and he has become a beloved and influential artist. Along with his mastery of the piano, Jarrett has also gained a reputation for his witty and wise quotes. Here are some of Keith Jarrett’s most famous quotes:

  • “A good improvisation is one in which the improviser can hear himself think.”
  • “Music is the only thing that can take you away from yourself for a short time.”
  • “The main thing I want to do is to be able to make music that is not just enjoyable, but also has something of a spiritual nature.”
  • “Music is like a living thing. It’s constantly growing and changing and evolving.”
  • “If you don’t have the courage to take risks, you’ll never know what the possibilities are.”
  • “The only thing I can control is how I react to what I’m hearing.”
  • “The most important thing is to keep an open mind and stay true to yourself.”
  • “Music is a language that speaks to the soul.”

2. What is the context of Keith Jarrett’s most famous quotes?

Keith Jarrett is one of the most celebrated jazz pianists of our time, renowned for his improvisational skills, groundbreaking compositions, and inspiring quotes. Here are some of his most famous quotes and the context in which they were spoken:

  • “Music is a place where I can express myself without having to explain it.” – This quote was spoken during an interview with the New York Times in which Jarrett spoke about his music-making process and the importance of improvisation in his work.
  • “Listen to the music, and it will tell you what it wants.” – Jarrett shared this quote in an interview with the German magazine Jazzthetik, where he talked about his approach to composition and improvisation.
  • “The music is telling me what it wants me to do.” – This quote was said during a concert in Berlin in which Jarrett discussed his approach to improvisation and how he listens to the music to guide his playing.
  • “I want to share with you the kind of music I hear in my head.” – Jarrett gave this quote during a lecture at the Juilliard School of Music, where he discussed his creative process and the importance of listening to the music.

3. What is Keith Jarrett’s approach to improvisation?

Keith Jarrett has often been referred to as a “spontaneous composer”, and his approach to improvisation has been described as “unbounded and unpredictable”. Jarrett believes that improvisation is a natural process and should be seen as an expression of his innermost feelings and thoughts. He is comfortable allowing his improvisations to be spontaneous and free-flowing, and does not feel the need to always be in control of his music.

Jarrett’s approach to improvisation includes:

  • Exploring musical ideas through experimentation and improvisation
  • Making use of musical influences from various genres such as jazz, classical, and folk music
  • Developing a unique style of playing that is based on emotion and intuition
  • Creating a musical environment that is free from expectations and rules
  • Listening to and responding to the music of other musicians

Jarrett’s approach to improvisation requires an open mind and a willingness to take risks. He encourages musicians to trust their instincts and explore the possibilities of music without worrying about the outcome. As Jarrett has said, “The only way to really know where you’re going is to take the risk and go there.”

4. What are some of Keith Jarrett’s views on jazz music?

Keith Jarrett is one of the most influential jazz musicians of all time. His unique approach to improvisation and composition has been an inspiration to many, and he has strong opinions on jazz music. Here are some of his most famous quotes on jazz:

  • “Jazz is a world of sound, a world of emotion, a world of surprise.”
  • “Jazz is a way of life, not just a way of playing music.”
  • “Jazz is a form of communication – a way for us to express our feelings, thoughts, and emotions.”
  • “Jazz is an art form that is meant to be shared, not kept hidden away.”
  • “Jazz is a language. It is an expression of life, a way of communicating with the world.”

These quotes accurately summarize Keith Jarrett’s views on jazz music. He believes that jazz is a powerful form of communication and expression, and that it should be shared and celebrated by all. His words are an inspiration to all aspiring jazz musicians.

5. How has Keith Jarrett’s career influenced modern jazz music?

Keith Jarrett is considered one of the greatest jazz musicians of the modern era, and his influence on the genre has been vast. Jarrett’s career has been marked by a continual exploration of new sounds and styles, which has left an indelible mark on the music of today. Here are some ways in which Keith Jarrett has impacted modern jazz music:

  • Jarrett has been a leading figure in the avant-garde jazz movement, pushing boundaries and experimenting with new forms of improvisation.
  • He has been a major innovator in the use of electronic instruments and technology, introducing new sounds and textures to jazz.
  • Jarrett’s work has been noted for its strong sense of melody, harmony and rhythm, inspiring many modern jazz musicians to explore similar ideas.
  • His highly improvisational approach has become a hallmark of modern jazz, with many musicians striving to create unique musical statements.
  • Jarrett’s influence on modern jazz has been so great that he is often referred to as the “Father of Modern Jazz”.

Keith Jarrett’s legacy as one of the most influential jazz musicians of all time will continue to shape modern jazz music for generations to come.


Keith Jarrett is an innovator and a master of improvisation. His music is a unique blend of jazz, classical, folk, and world music that has resonated with audiences around the world. His ability to combine different musical styles and create something new and unique is a testament to his talent and creativity. His influence on the modern jazz scene is undeniable and his legacy will continue to inspire generations of musicians to come.

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