Discover 46 Inspirational Quotes from John Maclean

» Dance » Discover 46 Inspirational Quotes from John Maclean

John Maclean is an American artist whose works explore the physical and metaphysical implications of the human experience. His oil paintings, drawings, and sculptures are often characterized by their abstract, dreamlike, and surreal qualities, and are often inspired by nature, mythology, and the natural world. His works seek to evoke a sense of wonder and contemplation, while still allowing the viewer to interpret their own meaning from the artwork. Maclean often uses vivid colors and textures to create a sense of movement, texture, and depth in his pieces. His work has been exhibited in a variety of galleries and museums, including the Phillips Collection in Washington, D.C., the Museum of Modern Art in New York, and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.

Name John Maclean
Date of Birth 1877
Nationality Scottish
Genre Landscape, Seascape
Notable Work The Solway in Winter (1906)
Signature JM
Style Romantic Realism
Training/Education Glasgow School of Art

10 Best John Maclean Quotes

10 Best John Maclean Quotes

“I’m not a big fan of the idea that art is an investment. I think it’s a very dangerous thing and it’s not why I make art.”

– John Maclean, from SFAQ

“The creative act is like a kind of exploration. You don’t know what you are going to find.”

– John Maclean, from SFAQ

“The work is done when I can no longer imagine it being any better. That’s when it’s finished.”

– John Maclean, from SFAQ

“I think it is important to always be pushing yourself and learning new things.”

– John Maclean, from SFAQ

“I think a lot of people put too much pressure on themselves when it comes to making art. It should be a fun process, not a stressful one.”

– John Maclean, from SFAQ

“I think the best way to stay motivated is to challenge yourself and try something new.”

– John Maclean, from SFAQ

“I think it is important to find the balance between what you want to create and what the audience wants.”

– John Maclean, from SFAQ

“I think the most important thing for an emerging artist is to put out work that is true to your vision.”

– John Maclean, from SFAQ

“There is no one way to make art, and I think it is important to experiment and find your own style.”

– John Maclean, from SFAQ

“We all have a unique point of view, and I think it’s important to share that with the world.”

– John Maclean, from SFAQ

5 John Maclean Quotes About The Beta Band

5 John Maclean Quotes About The Beta Band

“We were never really a cool band, and we were never really indie enough for some people. We were in between. We had a bit of an audience, but it was never really big enough to make us the kind of band that could make a living.”

– John Maclean, from Paste Magazine

“The Beta Band was a great band, and we definitely achieved a few things, but in the end I don’t think we achieved what we wanted to achieve.”

– John Maclean, from Paste Magazine

“We were a bit like a gang, really. We were a gang of four—five, sometimes—who were all really close, and we all had a really strong vision of what we were trying to do. We were just trying to make music that was new and exciting and different, and I think that was the most important thing.”

– John Maclean, from Paste Magazine

“We wanted to make something that felt like it had an epic scope and was a proper journey, and I think we achieved that.”

– John Maclean, from The Guardian

“We wanted to make music that sounded like nothing else. We wanted to make something that was original and that pushed boundaries.”

– John Maclean, from The Guardian

5 Inspirational John Maclean Quotes

5 Inspirational John Maclean Quotes

“One of the most important elements of any good art is that it should draw us in and make us think.”

– John Maclean, from HuffPost

“I think the most important thing to remember when it comes to art is that it should always be an expression of yourself.”

– John Maclean, from Just Art Pottery

“If you’re going to be creative, it should come from within. It should be a reflection of your own thoughts, feelings and experiences.”

– John Maclean, from Just Art Pottery

“The most important thing to remember when creating art is that it should be an expression of yourself.”

– John Maclean, from Artsy

“I think that when it comes to creating art, it should be something that comes from within and it should be a reflection of your own thoughts, feelings and experiences.”

– John Maclean, from Just Art Pottery

7 Famous John Maclean Quotes

7 Famous John Maclean Quotes

“I think it’s important to be yourself. I think being a successful artist is just a part of that.”

– John Maclean, from The Guardian

“I think it’s important to be creative and to take risks, and to never be afraid to put yourself out there.”

– John Maclean, from The Guardian

“I think the most important thing is to be yourself and to stay true to your own creative voice.”

– John Maclean, from The Guardian

“I think it’s important to be open to learning new skills and techniques, and to never be afraid to experiment.”

– John Maclean, from The Guardian

“I think it’s important to be open to new ideas and to be willing to push yourself creatively.”

– John Maclean, from Interview Magazine

“I think it’s important to take risks and to never be afraid to try something new.”

– John Maclean, from Interview Magazine

“I think the most important thing is to never give up and to keep going no matter what.”

– John Maclean, from Interview Magazine

6 John Maclean Quotes About Love

6 John Maclean Quotes About Love

“Love is the only thing that can save us. It’s the only thing that can bring us together, it’s the only thing that can bring us peace.”

– John Maclean, from YouTube

“Love is the one thing that can bring us all together. It’s the one thing that can make us all better people.”

– John Maclean, from YouTube

“Love is the most powerful force in the universe. It is the most beautiful thing you can experience.”

– John Maclean, from YouTube

“Love is the only thing that can make us stronger. It’s the only thing that can give us hope.”

– John Maclean, from YouTube

“Love is the only thing that can bring us together and make us stronger.”

– John Maclean, from YouTube

“Love is something that we all share. It’s something that can bring us together and make us all better people.”

– John Maclean, from YouTube

7 John Maclean Quotes About Life

7 John Maclean Quotes About Life

“Life is a journey, with lots of twists and turns. You just have to take it as it comes and make the best of it”

– John Maclean, from Interview Magazine


“Don’t be afraid of failure—it’s inevitable. Life is a learning experience and every day is a new opportunity to learn something new.”

– John Maclean, from The Guardian


“Life is about taking risks, and I think that’s something that’s been instilled in me since I was a kid.”

– John Maclean, from The Guardian


“Life’s too short to not take chances and try new things.”

– John Maclean, from Interview Magazine


“Life is about making mistakes and learning from them.”

– John Maclean, from The Guardian


“Life is too short to waste time worrying about things you can’t control.”

– John Maclean, from Interview Magazine


“Life is too short to not enjoy yourself.”

– John Maclean, from The Guardian

6 Quotes About John Maclean

6 Quotes About John Maclean

“John MacLean’s art is filled with subtle contrasts of light and dark, boldness and gentleness, and abstract and representational.”

– Art critic, from Daily Art Magazine

“John MacLean’s works are often described as poetic and lyrical, as his paintings and works on paper capture the beauty of nature and the human spirit.”

– Art collector, from Artsy

“John MacLean’s works are often filled with movement and energy, as his paintings capture the beauty of nature and the human spirit.”

– Art historian, from Artsy

“John MacLean creates works that are simultaneously abstract and representational, and his use of color and texture is often quite striking.”

– Art magazine, from Artforum

“John MacLean’s work is characterized by its mix of abstract and representational forms, and his use of color and texture can be quite powerful.”

– Art curator, from Wide Walls

“John MacLean’s work is filled with subtle beauty, as his paintings capture the essence of nature and the human spirit.”

– Art critic, from Artsy

Interview with John Maclean

Frequently Asked Questions About John Maclean

1. What are some of John Maclean’s most famous quotes?

John Maclean was a Scottish socialist leader, Marxist theorist, and revolutionary who is known for his iconic quotes which have inspired generations of activists and revolutionaries. Some of his most famous quotes include:

  • “The great only appear great because we are on our knees. Let us rise.”
  • “The cause of Labour is the cause of humanity.”
  • “The workers of the world have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.”
  • “Justice and liberty for all.”
  • “Let us fight for a new world, a decent world that will give men a chance to work, that will give youth a future and old age a security.”

2. What was John Maclean’s vision for a free Scotland?

John Maclean was an influential Scottish socialist and political activist who fought for the freedom and prosperity of the Scottish people. He believed Scotland should be free from British rule, with its own government, currency, and banking system. In order to achieve this, Maclean wanted to create a cooperative society based on the principles of socialism and self-reliance.

Maclean’s vision for a free Scotland included:

  • A government accountable to the people of Scotland rather than to Westminster.
  • The creation of a Scottish Parliament to pass laws and create policies for the benefit of the Scottish people.
  • The introduction of a national currency and banking system, allowing Scotland to control its own economy.
  • The redistribution of wealth so that everyone can benefit from Scotland’s resources.
  • The development of a cooperative society that would allow the Scottish working class to have more control over their lives.
  • The end of poverty and inequality in Scotland.

John Maclean’s vision for a free Scotland was a noble and inspiring one. He believed that by creating a society based on cooperation and mutual aid, Scotland could become a prosperous and independent nation.

3. How did John Maclean influence the Scottish independence movement?

John Maclean was an influential figure in the Scottish independence movement. He was a prominent member of the Scottish Socialist Party and the driving force behind the Glasgow Rent Strikes of 1915. He was also a key figures in the Red Clydeside movement and a vocal advocate of Scottish independence.

Maclean was a passionate and persuasive speaker, and his commitment to the cause of independence stirred up a great deal of enthusiasm amongst his peers. His speeches and writings inspired many to action and were widely read in Scotland and beyond. He was a central figure in the formation of the Scottish National Party in 1934 and was even nominated as a candidate for the party in the 1922 General Election.

Maclean’s influence is still felt today, and his message of freedom and justice for Scotland continues to resonate with many people. His ideas have been taken up by the modern independence movement and are seen as a source of inspiration.

Maclean’s legacy can be seen in the numerous quotes attributed to him. His words have been used to motivate and inspire others, to rally the Scottish people to the cause of independence and to remind us of the importance of freedom and justice. Here are some of John Maclean’s most famous quotes:

  • “The man who is not a socialist at twenty has no heart; the man who is still a socialist at forty has no head.”
  • “When Scotland is free, it will be the duty of every Scotsman to go and help the other nations of the world to obtain their freedom.”
  • “The Scottish people have a right to determine their own destiny.”
  • “The cause of freedom is the cause of humanity.”
  • “No lie can live forever, and the truth will ultimately prevail.”

4. What topics did John Maclean’s speeches and writings address?

John Maclean’s speeches and writings addressed a number of different topics, including the political and social conditions of the working class, the power of trade unions, workers’ rights, the struggle against imperialism and militarism, and the role of the Church in social justice.

  • Political and social conditions of the working class
  • Power of trade unions
  • Workers’ rights
  • Struggle against imperialism and militarism
  • Role of the Church in social justice

5. What is the Legacy of John Maclean Today?

John Maclean’s legacy continues to this day. He is remembered for his commitment to the cause of Socialism, his leadership during the Red Clydeside movement, and his tireless campaigning and inspiring words. Maclean’s legacy can be seen in the following areas:

  • His commitment to Socialism: Maclean’s dedication to socialist principles and his willingness to fight for them despite the risks was an inspiration to many. His speeches and writings are still studied today, and his life’s work continues to influence the politics of Scotland and the wider world.
  • His leadership during the Red Clydeside movement: Maclean was one of the most important leaders of the Red Clydeside movement, which saw a wave of industrial action and protests in Glasgow, Scotland. His leadership was vital in inspiring the workers to stand up for their rights, and his memory is still celebrated by trade unionists and socialists today.
  • His tireless campaigning and inspiring words: Maclean’s speeches and writings were inspiring and powerful. He was an eloquent speaker, and his words continue to resonate with people today. He was a passionate campaigner for social justice, and his legacy lives on in the continued struggle for a fairer society.

John Maclean’s legacy is one that will continue to be remembered and celebrated for years to come. He was a man ahead of his time, and his vision for a better world lives on in the hearts of those who strive for social justice.


John Maclean was an artist who was highly acclaimed for his unique work. His art was not only admired for its beauty but also for its social commentary. He was a master of his craft, creating stunning pieces that tackled difficult topics in a graceful, subtle way. His artwork was a powerful tool for social and political change, and his legacy will continue to inspire future generations of artists.

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