46 Jill Scott Quotes to Inspire and Motivate You

» Gospel » 46 Jill Scott Quotes to Inspire and Motivate You

Jill Scott (born April 4, 1972) is a Grammy Award-winning American singer-songwriter, poet, and actress. She is known for her fusion of R&B, soul, funk, hip hop and jazz music. She has released five studio albums and has won four Grammy Awards. Scott has been referred to as “The First Lady of Neo-Soul” and is one of the most influential female singers of the 21st century. Her music often focuses on issues of self-esteem, empowerment, and love.

Name Jill Scott
Genre Neo Soul, R&B, Hip Hop
Date of Birth April 4, 1972
Origin Philadelphia, PA
Instruments Vocals, guitar
Labels Hidden Beach, Atlantic, Blue Note
Notable Albums Who Is Jill Scott? Words and Sounds Vol. 1, Beautifully Human: Words and Sounds Vol. 2, The Real Thing: Words and Sounds Vol. 3

10 Best Jill Scott Quotes

10 Best Jill Scott Quotes

“I have always worked hard, but I’ve also been very clear that I was going to stay true to what I feel and to who I am.”

– Jill Scott, from Vibe


“Pain and hurt are a part of life. It’s how you deal with it that’s important.”

– Jill Scott, from Huffington Post


“I think I’m more brave now. I’m not as afraid of failure, which is a huge change.”

– Jill Scott, from Elle


“I’m a person who believes in doing what you want to do, as long as you’re not hurting anyone, and you’re not breaking any laws.”

– Jill Scott, from The Hollywood Reporter


“I’m a real person, on a real mission, to make real music.”

– Jill Scott, from Vibe


“I’m an artist. That’s what I do. That’s who I am.”

– Jill Scott, from Okay Player


“My purpose is to make music that speaks to the soul. I want it to be healing, inspiring and to make people feel like they are not alone.”

– Jill Scott, from NPR


“I’m a person who believes in being free. Free to express yourself and free to be who you are.”

– Jill Scott, from Rolling Stone


“I’m a person who loves music and loves to create. That’s what I’m about.”

– Jill Scott, from The Guardian


“I want to make music that makes people feel something and go on a journey.”

– Jill Scott, from Billboard

8 Inspirational Jill Scott Quotes

8 Inspirational Jill Scott Quotes

“I think it’s important to really listen to what’s going on in the world and to be conscious of it.”

– Jill Scott, from YouTube

“The only way I’ve gotten through hard times is by believing in myself and my purpose.”

– Jill Scott, from YouTube

“The only person stopping you from your dreams is yourself.”

– Jill Scott, from YouTube

“I don’t think you can get to the top without understanding the bottom.”

– Jill Scott, from The Grio

“The most important thing is to believe in yourself and to believe in your vision.”

– Jill Scott, from YouTube

“Life is too short to be in a box.”

– Jill Scott, from YouTube

“We all have our unique gifts and it’s up to us to use them.”

– Jill Scott, from The Grio

“When the going gets tough, you just have to keep pushing.”

– Jill Scott, from YouTube

5 Famous Jill Scott Quotes

5 Famous Jill Scott Quotes

“I think that, when we are in our most authentic space, that’s when we are the most powerful.”

– Jill Scott, from Elle

“I’m not one of these people who are like, ‘Oh, I don’t want to be famous.’ I wanted to be famous. I wanted to be heard.”

– Jill Scott, from HuffPost

“I’m not here to be judged, I’m here to be loved and respected.”

– Jill Scott, from The Guardian

“I’m a woman who loves God and loves life and loves to laugh and loves to sing.”

– Jill Scott, from The New York Times

“I’m not here to make music for everyone, I’m here to make music for me.”

– Jill Scott, from NPR

8 Jill Scott Quotes About Love

8 Jill Scott Quotes About Love

“Love is an energy that can move mountains, can create and destroy. It’s a power that can soothe and also be dangerous.”

– Jill Scott, from Rolling Stone

“Love is faith. It’s trusting in yourself and in the other person. It’s knowing that you can count on each other.”

– Jill Scott, from Glamour

“When you truly love someone, you’re not trying to control them or manipulate them. You’re allowing them to be who they are.”

– Jill Scott, from Glamour

“Love is a powerful thing. It’s a beautiful thing. It should be nurtured and cared for.”

– Jill Scott, from BET

“Love is a teacher. It teaches you about patience, about understanding, about being willing to wait and be there when the other person needs you.”

– Jill Scott, from The Guardian

“Love is a journey of self-discovery. It’s about getting to know yourself and learning to appreciate who you are.”

– Jill Scott, from Essence

“Love is an opportunity. It’s a chance to grow, learn and experience something new.”

– Jill Scott, from HuffPost

“Love is a beautiful thing, but it can also be a hard thing. It’s never easy, but it’s worth it.”

– Jill Scott, from BET

7 Jill Scott Quotes About Life

7 Jill Scott Quotes About Life

“I want to be able to inspire someone who doesn’t feel beautiful or confident or strong. I want to put out there that it’s okay to feel good about yourself.”

– Jill Scott, from Oprah Magazine

“I’m a person who loves life and celebrates it.”

– Jill Scott, from Harper’s Bazaar

“Life is a beautiful, unpredictable, joyous thing.”

– Jill Scott, from Harper’s Bazaar

“Life is hard, and it can be unforgiving, but it’s also full of wonder and beauty.”

– Jill Scott, from Harper’s Bazaar

“Life is too short not to take risks.”

– Jill Scott, from Glamour

“I think life is about risk.”

– Jill Scott, from Glamour

“It’s up to us to honor life and make it beautiful.”

– Jill Scott, from The Guardian

8 Quotes About Jill Scott

8 Quotes About Jill Scott

“Jill Scott is one of the most important artists of my generation.”

– Questlove, from NPR

“Jill Scott’s voice is like a velvet embrace.”

– Madonna, from Rolling Stone

“Jill Scott is a living legend.”

– John Legend, from Vibe

“Jill Scott is a storyteller and a poet.”

– Alicia Keys, from YouTube

“Jill Scott’s music speaks to the soul and heart of so many.”

– Erykah Badu, from Rolling Stone

“Jill Scott is a genius.”

– Mary J. Blige, from YouTube

“Jill Scott is an inspiration and a teacher.”

– India.Arie, from YouTube

“Jill Scott is an incredible artist who has changed the way we think about music.”

– Ne-Yo, from YouTube

Interview with Jill Scott

Frequently Asked Questions About Jill Scott

1. What are some of Jill Scott’s most famous quotes?

Jill Scott is a Grammy Award-winning singer, poet, and actress. She is well known for her inspiring quotes about love, life, and relationships. Here are some of her most famous quotes:

  • “Love is the ultimate force that carries the world.”
  • “Sometimes it takes a heartbreak to shake us awake and help us see we are worth so much more than we’re settling for.”
  • “When someone shows you who they are, believe them.”
  • “I think it’s important to be true to yourself and not try to be something you’re not.”
  • “Your life is precious. Don’t let anyone or anything take it away from you.”
  • “The most important lesson I’ve learned is to be true to myself. I know that if I’m true to myself, I will always be happy.”
  • “Life is a beautiful journey and it’s up to you to make it amazing.”
  • “It’s time to stop worrying about what others think of you and start believing in yourself.”
  • “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”

2. How can Jill Scott’s quotes be used to inspire and motivate people?

Jill Scott’s quotes are filled with positive affirmations, inspiring insights, and motivational mantras. Here are some ways to use them to inspire and motivate people:

  • Write down a quote that resonates with you on a piece of paper or a sticky note and put it somewhere you can see it every day.
  • Share a quote with someone who could use some motivation and positivity in their life.
  • Post a quote on social media to share with others.
  • Incorporate a quote into your journaling or meditation practice.
  • Create a vision board or collage with some of your favorite quotes.
  • Start a journal of quotes that inspire you and refer back to it often.

No matter how you choose to use Jill Scott’s quotes, they can be a great source of inspiration and motivation that can help you stay focused on your goals.

3. How has Jill Scott’s music and writing influenced her quotes?

Jill Scott is a multi-talented artist whose music and writing have affected many throughout the world. Her music is a mix of soul, jazz, hip-hop, and spoken word, which reflect her own personal experiences as a woman of color. Her writing is also known for its lyrical beauty and often speaks of her own journey and the journeys of others. Her quotes are similarly reflective of her music and writing, conveying themes of love, perseverance, and hope.

  • Scott’s music and writing demonstrate her commitment to self-expression and the power of the individual voice. This is often seen in her quotes that offer words of wisdom and encouragement for those who might be facing difficult times.
  • Scott’s music and writing often celebrate the beauty of nature and the richness of humanity. This is reflected in her quotes, which often remind us to appreciate the beauty that can be found in the world around us and to take time to appreciate the people in our lives.
  • Scott’s music and writing emphasize the importance of staying true to oneself. This is seen in her quotes, which often emphasize the importance of staying true to oneself and not letting other people define who we are.
  • Scott’s music and writing also emphasize the power of love and the importance of nurturing relationships. This is reflected in her quotes, which often remind us of the importance of being kind and showing love to one another.

Overall, Jill Scott’s music and writing have greatly influenced her quotes. Through her music and writing, she has created a space for others to express themselves and to find strength and resilience in the face of adversity. Her quotes similarly reflect this spirit of self-expression and empowerment, offering words of wisdom and hope that can be of great comfort to many.

4. What themes can be found in Jill Scott’s quotes?

Jill Scott’s quotes are full of powerful and inspirational messages that speak to the strength and resilience of the human spirit. Common themes in her quotes include:

  • Self-Love and Empowerment
  • Celebrating Differences
  • Finding Your Voice
  • Overcoming Adversity
  • Letting Go of Fear
  • Living Life to the Fullest

These themes are often explored through Jill Scott’s poetic and soulful musings, encouraging us to take control of our lives and find joy in our own unique paths. By drawing attention to the importance of self-love and personal growth, Jill Scott’s quotes can be a source of encouragement and motivation for any individual.

5. How have Jill Scott’s quotes been received by the public?

Jill Scott’s quotes have been widely received and appreciated by the public. People have found her words inspiring, thought-provoking and uplifting. Here are some of the ways her quotes have been received:

  • Her quotes have been shared widely through social media, often with accompanying stories of how they have impacted people’s lives.
  • Her quotes have been used in books, movies, and television shows to add a layer of depth to the stories.
  • People have used her quotes to inspire and motivate themselves, as well as others.
  • Her quotes have been used in classrooms, as part of discussions around topics such as identity, race, and gender.
  • People have even used her quotes as part of their tattoos, as a permanent reminder of her words.

Overall, Jill Scott’s quotes have been received with enthusiasm and appreciation. Her words have touched many lives and helped people to find strength and comfort in difficult times.


Jill Scott is a remarkable artist with an inspiring message. Her quotes are thought-provoking and often humorous, giving her fans a unique perspective on life. She has been an inspiration to many and will continue to be an influence in the music industry for many years to come. Her ability to combine soulful music with conscious lyrics has earned her a place in the music industry and in the hearts of many listeners.

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