» Blues » 48 Ike Turner Quotes to Inspire You

Ike Turner was an American musician and songwriter who is widely considered to be one of the most influential figures in the history of rock and roll. He was a pioneer of the genre, combining elements of blues, rock, gospel and jazz to create his own unique sound. Turner is best known for his work with his then-wife Tina Turner, who he helped propel to superstardom with their hit single, “Proud Mary.” Turner’s influence can be heard in the music of countless artists, including The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Prince, and Jimi Hendrix. Aside from his legendary collaborations with Tina Turner, Ike Turner’s career spanned several decades and included a variety of solo and group recordings.

Name: Ike Turner
Date of Birth: November 5, 1931
Genres: Rock and roll, blues, rhythm and blues, soul, funk
Instruments: Guitar, piano, vocals
Labels: Modern, Bihari, United Artists
Associated Acts: The Kings of Rhythm, The Ike & Tina Turner Revue

10 Best Ike Turner Quotes

10 Best Ike Turner Quotes

“You can’t make music without playing with feeling.”

– Ike Turner, from All About Jazz

“You can’t just practice, you have to feel it.”

– Ike Turner, from Grammy

“I wake up in the morning and I’m thinking about music.”

– Ike Turner, from Rolling Stone

“I’m a perfectionist. I don’t care how long it takes; I want it to be perfect.”

– Ike Turner, from Grammy

“You don’t really have to understand music to enjoy it.”

– Ike Turner, from Grammy

“You’ve got to be a master of your instrument.”

– Ike Turner, from All Music

“My passion for music is so strong, it just flows through me.”

– Ike Turner, from Grammy

“I was never afraid to take chances.”

– Ike Turner, from Grammy

“I’m always going to be a little different, because I’m a pioneer.”

– Ike Turner, from Grammy

“I’m always looking for that special something in music.”

– Ike Turner, from All Music

7 Ike Turner Quotes About Ike and Tina Turner

7 Ike Turner Quotes About Ike And Tina Turner

“Tina and I had a good relationship. We had a good marriage, and we had a good show.”

– Ike Turner, from Rolling Stone

“Me and her had a chemistry. I wrote all the music. I wrote all the songs that she sang. I wrote the stuff that she sang with the Ike and Tina Turner Revue. I wrote all the songs.”

– Ike Turner, from Rolling Stone

“I was her mentor. I was the one that taught her everything she knows. I taught her how to sing, dance, talk, dress and everything. I had to teach her how to do everything.”

– Ike Turner, from Rolling Stone

“That was my wife. I didn’t want to go through a divorce, but somebody had to do it. I was the one who had to do it, because I was the one who was married to her.”

– Ike Turner, from Rolling Stone

“We had a good marriage, but the show was the most important thing to me. I was so devoted to the show, and I didn’t see anything else. I didn’t have time for nothing else.”

– Ike Turner, from Rolling Stone

“We had a good marriage and we had a good show. We had to keep it going because we had so many people working for us. We had a great show and we had a great marriage. We had a good time.”

– Ike Turner, from Rolling Stone

“We had a great relationship. We had a great marriage. We had a great show. I was happy to be with her, and she was happy to be with me. We had a great combination.”

– Ike Turner, from YouTube

6 Inspirational Ike Turner Quotes

6 Inspirational Ike Turner Quotes

“My music was always different. I wanted to create something that people could dance to.”

– Ike Turner, from Rolling Stone

“I have no regrets in my life. I have done everything I wanted to do.”

– Ike Turner, from Grammy.com

“If you don’t have the drive and ambition to be the best, don’t bother.”

– Ike Turner, from Grammy.com

“If you don’t have the drive and ambition to be the best, don’t bother.”

– Ike Turner, from Grammy.com

“I just want to make sure that what I did is not forgotten.”

– Ike Turner, from GQ Magazine

“I don’t have time to worry about what people think of me. I’m too busy creating music.”

– Ike Turner, from The Independent

5 Famous Ike Turner Quotes

5 Famous Ike Turner Quotes

“I had a drum set, and I was playing that. I didn’t know what I was doing, but I was doing it.”

– Ike Turner, from NPR

“I think the only thing that ever made me a star was my originality, you know, being different”

– Ike Turner, from PBS

“I was strong. I didn’t take no mess. I was a leader”

– Ike Turner, from NME

“I never wanted to be successful as a musician. I just wanted to make money and have fun”

– Ike Turner, from Discogs

“I don’t think I have ever been a very nice person. I’m a loner. I don’t like people telling me what to do”

– Ike Turner, from Rolling Stone

5 Ike Turner Quotes About Love

5 Ike Turner Quotes About Love

“I love the ladies. That’s why I’m here.”

– Ike Turner, from NPR

“Love always come first in my music.”

– Ike Turner, from Rolling Stone

“I love music. I love playing it, writing it, performing it.”

– Ike Turner, from Grammy

“Love is a beautiful thing.”

– Ike Turner, from Hollywood Reporter

“I love to play, and I love to make people happy.”

– Ike Turner, from Grammy

7 Ike Turner Quotes About Life

7 Ike Turner Quotes About Life

“If you don’t have a good time, you’re gonna have a bad time.”

– Ike Turner, from GQ

“If you’ve got a good woman, that’s real important, ’cause she can help you through the hard times.”

– Ike Turner, from GQ

“I’ve learned a lot from life. I don’t take nothing for granted…”

– Ike Turner, from Rolling Stone

“You never can tell what’s gonna happen.”

– Ike Turner, from Rolling Stone

“Life is a struggle. You’ve got to learn and get smarter and do what you have to do to survive.”

– Ike Turner, from Rolling Stone

“You can’t always get what you want.”

– Ike Turner, from Rolling Stone

“I’m here, and I’m gonna do what I have to do to stay here.”

– Ike Turner, from Rolling Stone

8 Quotes About Ike Turner

8 Quotes About Ike Turner

“Ike Turner was one of the architects of rock and roll.”

– Mick Jagger, from Rolling Stone

“Ike Turner was a musical genius.”

– David Bowie, from The Independent

“He was one of the most important figures in the history of rock and roll, R&B and soul music.”

– Rolling Stone Magazine, from Rolling Stone

“Ike Turner, the legendary singer and songwriter whose innovative and influential work helped shape the course of popular music, has died at the age of 76.”

– BBC News, from BBC News

“He was one of the most influential figures in popular music.”

– The Guardian, from The Guardian

“Ike Turner was a giant in the music industry.”

– Newsday, from Newsday

“He was an innovative and daring musician, who had a major influence on the development of modern popular music.”

– The Telegraph, from The Telegraph

“Ike Turner was a musical pioneer and a major inspiration for many generations of musicians.”

– All Music, from All Music

Interview with Ike Turner

Frequently Asked Questions About Ike Turner

1. What are some of Ike Turner’s most famous quotes?

Ike Turner, an American musician, singer, songwriter, arranger, and producer, was renowned for his contributions to the development of the rock ‘n’ roll genre. He was also known for his often witty and inspirational quotes. Here are some of Ike Turner’s most famous quotes:

  • “You can’t judge a book by its cover, but you can sure get an idea by looking at it.”
  • “The mark of success is not only in reaching the top, but also in never losing sight of where it all started.”
  • “You can’t put a price tag on having fun.”
  • “The only way to be successful is to be better than those who came before you.”
  • “The greatest things in life can’t be bought; they must be earned.”
  • “There’s no such thing as a free lunch.”
  • “If you’re not willing to take risks, you’ll never get ahead in life.”
  • “Success is not a destination; it’s a journey.”
  • “You can’t be afraid to make mistakes; the only way to learn is to try new things.”
  • “If you have a dream, you have to do whatever it takes to make it happen.”

2. How did Ike Turner influence modern music?

Ike Turner is widely regarded as one of the most influential musicians of the 20th century. His unique blend of blues, jazz, funk, and rock and roll has made a lasting impact on modern music. Here are some of the ways in which Ike Turner has influenced modern music:

  • He was one of the first musicians to integrate elements of multiple genres into a single song, creating a new sound that was both innovative and accessible.
  • He is credited with popularizing the use of the Fender Rhodes electric piano in the 1960s, which has become a staple instrument in modern music.
  • His pioneering use of multi-track recording techniques in the studio has allowed for greater experimentation and creativity in modern recordings.
  • He was one of the first African-American artists to break away from the conventions of the day and embrace a new, more daring musical style.
  • His influence can be heard in the work of countless artists, from the Rolling Stones to Outkast.

Ike Turner’s influence on modern music is undeniable, and his legacy will continue to inspire musicians for generations to come.

3. What did Ike Turner do to influence the music of the 1950s and 1960s?

Ike Turner was an influential musician, songwriter, and producer in the 1950s and 1960s. He had a major impact on the development of rock ‘n’ roll and soul music. Here are some of the ways that Ike Turner influenced the music of the 1950s and 1960s:

  • He wrote and co-wrote some of the era’s most beloved and influential songs, such as “Rocket 88” and “A Fool in Love.”
  • He was the first to record and produce a mash-up of blues and country, a style that was later popularized by Elvis Presley.
  • He was a pioneering producer, making use of new technologies like multitrack recording and overdubbing to create unique sounds.
  • He was a pioneer in the use of electric guitars, bringing the instrument to the forefront of popular music.
  • He was an innovator in the use of the Hammond organ, using it to create a soulful sound that became a hallmark of his music.
  • He was a major influence on the development of funk music, blending soul, blues, and jazz.

4. How did Ike Turner’s personal life influence his music?

Ike Turner’s music was heavily influenced by the events of his life and his relationships. His personal life had a direct impact on his musical output, which is evident in the themes of his songs. Some of the ways his life influenced his music are:

  • He used music as an outlet for his emotions – His music often featured themes of pain and suffering, due to his rocky personal life. Many of his songs featured lyrics about heartbreak and despair, which were often inspired by his own experiences.
  • He was passionate about expressing his political views – Ike Turner was a passionate civil rights activist, and his music often featured themes of freedom, equality and social justice. He used his music as a platform to express his views on the state of the world.
  • He wanted to make people dance – Ike Turner was a master of upbeat, danceable rhythms. His music was heavily influenced by the funk and soul music of the 1960s and 70s, and he often used a mix of elements from different genres to create his signature sound.

Ike Turner’s music was a perfect reflection of his life and his emotions. His unique style and passionate lyrics were a direct result of his personal experiences. He used music as a way to express himself and his beliefs, and to share his message with the world.

5. What is Ike Turner’s Legacy in the Music Industry?

Ike Turner was a pioneering musician who left a lasting legacy on the music industry. His influence can still be heard today in many genres of music. Here are some of the ways his legacy lives on:

  • He was a pioneer in rock ‘n’ roll, helping to bring the genre to a wider audience.
  • He was an innovator in the use of technology in music, experimenting with overdubbing and multi-track recording.
  • He was one of the first to use the electric guitar in recording and performing, helping to create a new sound in blues and rock ‘n’ roll.
  • He was an early adopter of the funk sound, helping to bring it to a wider audience.
  • He was a master of improvisation, often using his guitar and voice to create unique live performances.
  • He was a mentor and collaborator to many musicians, including Tina Turner.
  • His songwriting and production skills helped define the sound of modern music.
  • He was an influence on many other musicians, including the Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin.
  • His music has been sampled and covered by many artists, helping to keep his legacy alive.

Ike Turner’s legacy in the music industry is an impressive one. His innovative approach to music and his influence on generations of musicians has helped to shape the sound of modern music.


Ike Turner was an incredibly influential figure in the music industry, and his work continues to be celebrated today. He was a pioneer in the rock and roll genre, and his unique style of combining blues, R&B, and rock and roll helped to shape the sound of modern music. His lyrics, guitar playing, and production skills were all groundbreaking for their time, and his work remains an important part of the music landscape. His quotes offer insight into his unique perspective and his passion for music, and demonstrate his lasting influence on the industry.

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