47 Inspirational Harry Belafonte Quotes to Live By

» Calypso » 47 Inspirational Harry Belafonte Quotes to Live By

Harry Belafonte (born Harold George Belafonte, Jr., March 1, 1927) is an American singer, songwriter, actor, and social activist. One of the most successful African-American pop stars in history, he was dubbed the “King of Calypso” for popularizing the Caribbean musical style with an international audience in the 1950s. His breakthrough album Calypso (1956) became the first million-selling LP by a single artist. Belafonte is perhaps best known for singing “The Banana Boat Song (Day-O)”, with its signature lyric “Day-o, day-o”. He has recorded in many genres, including blues, folk, gospel, show tunes, and American standards. He has also starred in several films, most notably in Otto Preminger’s hit musical Carmen Jones (1954), Island in the Sun (1957), and Robert Wise’s Odds Against Tomorrow (1959).

Belafonte has campaigned for civil rights and humanitarian causes throughout his career. He was an early supporter of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s, and one of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s confidants. Throughout his career he has been awarded numerous accolades, including three Grammy Awards, one Tony Award, and an honorary Academy Award. In 2014, he was awarded the Kennedy Center Honors. He is also a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador.

Name Harry Belafonte
Date of Birth March 1, 1927
Genre Jazz, Calypso, World Music
Instruments Guitar, Ukulele, Vocalist
Notable Works “Day-O”, “Jamaica Farewell”, “Island in the Sun”, “Banana Boat Song”
Awards Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award, Golden Globe Cecil B. DeMille Award, Academy Award for Best Original Song

10 Best Harry Belafonte Quotes

10 Best Harry Belafonte Quotes

“I think it is a very sad kind of a state of affairs when people would rather be entertained than informed.”

– Harry Belafonte, from NPR

“It was a very difficult process, but I found it necessary. Not only to make a living, but to make a life.”

– Harry Belafonte, from HuffPost

“I’m not an optimist or a pessimist, but I’m a realist.”

– Harry Belafonte, from USA Today

“I think the music of the world is a great unifying force. We are all bound together in ways we never imagined.”

– Harry Belafonte, from The New Yorker

“I don’t talk about success, I talk about contribution.”

– Harry Belafonte, from CNN

“I’m an old man and I’m still trying to make a difference.”

– Harry Belafonte, from The Hollywood Reporter

“There is a greater power that can be used, and that is the power of the people.”

– Harry Belafonte, from CBS News

“I come from a tradition of music that is a very powerful tool for change.”

– Harry Belafonte, from The Guardian

“I’ve always believed that if you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.”

– Harry Belafonte, from YouTipIt

“My life has been a journey of passion, a journey of commitment, a journey of dedication, a journey of commitment to truth and justice.”

– Harry Belafonte, from Biography.com

6 Inspirational Harry Belafonte Quotes

6 Inspirational Harry Belafonte Quotes

“The key to this is that each of us must become involved, each of us must participate in the struggle for justice for all.”

– Harry Belafonte, from Democracy Now


“We can only be as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.”

– Harry Belafonte, from The Guardian


“My music was always a vehicle for social consciousness.”

– Harry Belafonte, from Smithsonian Magazine


“I have been blessed to be able to use my career to speak out for those who have no voice.”

– Harry Belafonte, from NBC News


“When the people lead, the leaders will follow.”

– Harry Belafonte, from The Guardian


“If you have the courage to take a stand for human dignity, then you become a beacon for others.”

– Harry Belafonte, from NBC News

8 Famous Harry Belafonte Quotes

8 Famous Harry Belafonte Quotes

“I’m not an entertainer. I’m an activist who uses the language of song and culture to advance a cause.”

– Harry Belafonte, from Rolling Stone

“I’m an activist, not the consummate entertaining package that I was in the 1950s.”

– Harry Belafonte, from NPR

“It isn’t that I have anything against being entertained. I’m a great admirer of those who entertain us. But there’s something deeper I can offer.”

– Harry Belafonte, from Rolling Stone

“The power of art is in its ability to propel social change.”

– Harry Belafonte, from The Guardian

“I consider myself a freedom fighter, and I think that is the role of an artist.”

– Harry Belafonte, from The Guardian

“I am a human being, a citizen of the world, and I’m an artist whose work has been always in service to the world I live in.”

– Harry Belafonte, from Rolling Stone

“My life has been a long search for ways to make a bridge between the two worlds of art and activism.”

– Harry Belafonte, from The Guardian

“When I create a song, I look for ways to make it more than a melody.”

– Harry Belafonte, from NPR

8 Harry Belafonte Quotes About Love

8 Harry Belafonte Quotes About Love

“I couldn’t love someone I didn’t respect.”

– Harry Belafonte, from People Magazine


“I’ve never been a person to fall in love easily, but I’m a person who, once in love, stays in love.”

– Harry Belafonte, from Grammy.com


“Love is the greatest of all expressions. It’s the greatest of all feelings. And it’s the greatest of all virtues. And it is the greatest of all powers.”

– Harry Belafonte, from Grammy.com


“Love is the source of all inspiration.”

– Harry Belafonte, from Grammy.com


“Love is a powerful force that can be expressed in so many ways, and it has the capacity to transform our lives.”

– Harry Belafonte, from Grammy.com


“Love is the most powerful force in the universe and the most powerful weapon we have to fight injustice.”

– Harry Belafonte, from Grammy.com


“Love is the greatest gift we can give to one another.”

– Harry Belafonte, from Grammy.com


“Love is the only thing that makes us feel alive, and it’s the only thing that can bring us together.”

– Harry Belafonte, from Grammy.com

8 Harry Belafonte Quotes About Life

8 Harry Belafonte Quotes About Life

“My life has been a pilgrimage of sorts. I’ve been a kind of nomad. I’ve had to search out my vision.”

– Harry Belafonte, from Interview Magazine

“Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.”

– Harry Belafonte, from Interview Magazine

“I’ve always felt that my life has been a mission to lead, to give counsel for people to think about the world around them.”

– Harry Belafonte, from Huffington Post

“My life has been a journey of commitment to human rights and justice.”

– Harry Belafonte, from Sampan

“My life has been a mission to speak truth to power.”

– Harry Belafonte, from Huffington Post

“My life has been a mission to be an advocate for those who are oppressed and have no voice.”

– Harry Belafonte, from AllGov

“My life has been a mission to keep alive the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.”

– Harry Belafonte, from Sampan

“My life has been a mission to reach out to the disenfranchised and the disinherited.”

– Harry Belafonte, from AllGov

7 Quotes About Harry Belafonte

7 Quotes About Harry Belafonte

“Harry Belafonte is a living legend and a national treasure.”

– Jay-Z, from People

“Harry Belafonte is an artist as relevant as ever.”

– Lin-Manuel Miranda, from The New York Times

“Harry Belafonte is a master of the civil rights movement.”

– Bernie Sanders, from YouTube

“Harry Belafonte has been a champion of human rights and racial justice for more than five decades.”

– Barbara Streisand, from The New York Times

“Harry Belafonte is one of the most influential figures in the entertainment industry.”

– Quincy Jones, from The Hollywood Reporter

“Harry Belafonte is a role model for all of us.”

– Bob Dylan, from The Hollywood Reporter

“Harry Belafonte is an icon of human rights, civil rights and artistic excellence.”

– John Legend, from The Hollywood Reporter

Interview with Harry Belafonte

Frequently Asked Questions About Harry Belafonte

1. What is the most famous Harry Belafonte quote?

  • One of the most famous quotes attributed to Harry Belafonte is, “There’s a world of difference between truth and facts. Facts can obscure truth.” This quote speaks to the power of truth, and how facts can be used to obscure the truth and manipulate people’s perception. It is a reminder to look beyond the facts and to search for the truth.
  • Another famous quote from Harry Belafonte is, “It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. We must love each other and support each other. We have nothing to lose but our chains.” This quote speaks to the power of freedom, and the importance of fighting for it. It is also a reminder of the power of love and unity, and how they can help to break down oppressive systems.
  • Finally, one of Belafonte’s more famous quotes is, “If you have men who will exclude any of God’s creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men.” This quote speaks to the power of compassion and how it can be extended to all living things. It is a reminder that if we are not compassionate to others, then we will not be compassionate to ourselves.

2. How have Harry Belafonte’s quotes impacted society?

Harry Belafonte has been a powerful voice for social change and justice throughout his career, and his inspiring words have been an influence on many people. His quotes have been used to motivate and inspire people of all ages and backgrounds to pursue their dreams and fight for what they believe in. Here are some of the ways his quotes have impacted society:

  • His quotes have encouraged people to fight for justice and speak out against oppression and injustice.
  • They have helped people to recognize their own power and potential and to strive for a better future.
  • His words have given strength and courage to those facing difficult challenges.
  • His quotes have also been used to celebrate diversity and celebrate the beauty of being different.
  • His words have helped to motivate and inspire people to stay positive and make a difference in the world.

Harry Belafonte’s words have had a profound impact on our society and continue to inspire people today. His quotes remind us to strive for justice and equality, and to never give up on our dreams.

3. What is the context behind the most popular Harry Belafonte quotes?

Harry Belafonte has been a leader in the civil rights movement for decades and has been an outspoken critic of social injustice, inequality, and racism. As a result, his powerful words have left a lasting impact on generations. Here are some of his most popular quotes and the context behind them:

  • “The most important thing for us to remember is we are not alone.”
    This quote reminds us that we are all in this struggle together and that we must support one another in the pursuit of justice.
  • “If you have no critics you’ll likely have no success.”
    This quote speaks to Belafonte’s belief that change will not happen without people taking risks and pushing the boundaries. He encourages people to take risks, even if it means facing criticism, in order to bring about real change.
  • “Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe.”
    This quote speaks to the need for social change and for people to stand up for the rights of those who are oppressed. Belafonte believes that true justice can only be achieved when people are willing to take a stand against injustice and inequality.
  • “We must fight for our rights and for our freedom, for the future of our children and the future of our nation.”
    This quote speaks to Belafonte’s belief that it is important to fight for the rights of the people and to ensure that everyone has equal opportunities. He encourages people to stand up for the rights of those who are oppressed and to make sure that everyone is able to live a life of dignity and equality.

4. What have been some of the most memorable Harry Belafonte quotes?

Harry Belafonte is one of the most iconic entertainers of the 20th century. He has always been outspoken and unafraid to use his platform to express his thoughts on a range of topics, from social justice to entertainment. His quotes are just as powerful today as they were when he first uttered them.

Here are some of the most memorable quotes from Harry Belafonte:

  • “You cannot hate other cultures until you have first learned to love your own.”
  • “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”
  • “If you want to make a difference, you have to be the difference.”
  • “The power of love is stronger than the love of power.”
  • “You cannot be neutral on a moving train.”
  • “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”
  • “The greatest weapon against poverty is education.”
  • “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically.”
  • “When we stand together, we are invincible.”
  • “The most important thing is to make the world a better place for our children.”

5. How have Harry Belafonte’s quotes been received by the public?

Harry Belafonte’s quotes are often seen as iconic and powerful. His words have been an inspiration to many, encouraging them to take action and make a difference. Many of his quotes have been popularized and shared around the world, resonating with people from all walks of life.

  • His quote, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere” has been widely shared and has become a call to action for many.
  • His quote, “We must all learn to live together as brothers or we will all perish together as fools” has been seen as a reminder to maintain harmony in the world.
  • His quote, “If you have no critics you’ll likely have no success” has been seen as an encouragement to persevere despite difficulties.
  • His quote, “A man has not begun to live until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity” has been seen as a reminder to think beyond ourselves.
  • Finally, his quote “The power to make change lies in the hands of the people” has been seen as an inspirational call to arms for people to take action and make a difference.

Overall, Harry Belafonte’s quotes have been well received by the public and are seen as powerful and inspiring. His words have been shared around the world, resonating with people from all walks of life, and have helped many to take action and make a difference.


In conclusion, Harry Belafonte is an icon of modern music and culture. His powerful lyrics and spirited performances have been a source of inspiration for generations of artists. His quotes encapsulate the importance of staying true to oneself and the power of music to bring people together. His words will continue to resonate with people from all walks of life, and his legacy will continue to live on through his music and his powerful message of hope and peace.

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