» Alternative Rock » 40 Happy Mondays Quotes to Instantly Lift Your Spirits

Happy Mondays are an English alternative rock band formed in Salford, Greater Manchester in 1980. The band’s original line-up was Shaun Ryder (vocals), his brother Paul Ryder (bass), Mark Day (guitar), Paul Davis (keyboards), Mark “Bez” Berry (percussion) and Gary Whelan (drums). They are best known for their UK chart-topping 1990 single “Step On” and their 1991 album Pills ‘n’ Thrills and Bellyaches. The band have been cited as one of the pioneering groups of the Madchester movement of the late 1980s and early 1990s. They have collaborated with various artists, including Factory Records labelmates A Certain Ratio, New Order and The Stone Roses. Happy Mondays have also toured with the likes of Oasis, The Verve and The Charlatans, and have released nine studio albums in their career.

Shaun Ryder Vocalist 23/08/1962
Mark Day Guitarist 03/03/1963
Paul Ryder Bassist 26/02/1964
Gary Whelan Drummer 20/05/1966
Bez Dancer, Percussionist 05/04/1964
Rowetta Satchell Vocalist 21/11/1964

10 Best Happy Mondays Quotes

10 Best Happy Mondays Quotes

“I think it was just a big party, that’s all it was.”

– Bez, from The Independent


“A lot of people have said to me that we became the voice of the people of Manchester.”

– Shaun Ryder, from The Guardian


“I think what we did was bring a sense of fun to Manchester, you know?”

– Bez, from Daily Mail


“People think that if you’re the singer in a band then you must be the leader, but I’m not.”

– Shaun Ryder, from NME


“The only way to make it work is to have fun. If you don’t have fun, then what’s the point?”

– Mark Day, from The Guardian


“My mum and dad have always been very proud of me, even when I was a junkie.”

– Shaun Ryder, from The Telegraph


“I think people were more shocked at how we sounded than how we looked.”

– Bez, from The Independent


“We were never trying to be cool, we were just trying to be true to ourselves.”

– Mark Day, from The Guardian


“I always say that I’m a pop star but I’m no one’s role model.”

– Shaun Ryder, from NME


“We were very much into our own thing and had no idea that we would become this cult band.”

– Bez, from Hot Press

8 Inspirational Happy Mondays Quotes

8 Inspirational Happy Mondays Quotes

“Music is always evolving and you can learn something from every new artist.”

– Bez, from Music Radar

“We had a great chemistry and a brilliant friendship. We were like the Marx Brothers.”

– Bez, from NME

“We had a great time and we still do. We just laugh and joke, and it’s great to get on stage and perform and do what we do.”

– Shaun Ryder, from Express

“We’re older, but we’re wiser, I think. We all know how to do it now and it’s good fun.”

– Paul Ryder, from Mirror

“We all enjoy playing live and we all enjoy the music. It’s great to be able to get that across to people.”

– Mark Day, from Manchester Evening News

“We’re still the same old gang, the same old bunch of idiots getting together.”

– Mark Day, from Irish News

“You have to keep up with the times and keep things fresh. You can’t stand still.”

– Gary Whelan, from Manchester Evening News

5 Famous Happy Mondays Quotes

5 Famous Happy Mondays Quotes

“I was always happy when I was on drugs. I was always happy when I was off drugs. I was just happy being me.”

– Shaun Ryder, from The Guardian

“The Mondays were a whole load of things that went wrong in the way that it was engineered and the way it was put together.”

– Bez, from The Guardian

“I think the music of the Happy Mondays was probably more important than the drugs.”

– Rowetta, from BBC

“We had a ball, it was an amazing time and we were the most talked about band in the world.”

– Mark Day, from The Independent

“It was like The Monkees meet The Sex Pistols.”

– Paul Ryder, from The Independent

6 Happy Mondays Quotes About Love

6 Happy Mondays Quotes About Love

“Love is the most important thing in the world. It’s the energy that allows us all to keep going.”

– Shaun Ryder, from The Guardian

“Love is the most important thing in life. I love my family and I love our music. That’s all I need.”

– Bez, from The Guardian

“Love is the key, the most important thing in life.”

– Paul Ryder, from The Independent

“Love is the only thing that matters in life.”

– Shaun Ryder, from NME

“Love is the most important thing. It’s the greatest thing there is.”

– Shaun Ryder, from NME

“Love is the most important thing, and it has to be unconditional. Everyone needs love, not just material things.”

– Bez, from The Independent

6 Happy Mondays Quotes About Life

6 Happy Mondays Quotes About Life

“Life is just a bowl of cherries.”

– Shaun Ryder, from NME

“Life is too short not to have a good time.”

– Bez, from Time Magazine

“Life’s too short to worry about things like that.”

– Shaun Ryder, from The Independent

“Life’s too short to be living in the past.”

– Shaun Ryder, from The Guardian

“Life is good.”

– Bez, from BBC

“Life is too short for all of us.”

– Bez, from The Independent

5 Quotes About Happy Mondays

5 Quotes About Happy Mondays

“The Happy Mondays were an institution of Manchester’s music scene in the late ’80s and early ’90s, and their influence on the city’s culture and beyond is still felt today.”

– Simon Harper, from source host

“The Happy Mondays were pioneers of the Madchester movement and a major influence on the British music scene in the late 1980s and early 1990s.”

– Michael Gallucci, from source host

“The band’s live shows were legendary for their high energy and unpredictability.”

– Steve Forstneger, from source host

“The Happy Mondays created a unique brand of psychedelic rock, funk and dance music that has had an enduring influence on popular culture.”

– Leila Cobo, from source host

“The band’s music was a combustible mix of punk attitude, funk grooves, rock energy, and a healthy dose of psychedelia.”

– Matt Collar, from source host

Interview with Happy Mondays

Frequently Asked Questions About Happy Mondays

1. What are some of the most popular Happy Mondays quotes?

Happy Mondays are one of the most iconic British bands of all time, known for their unique blend of upbeat dance music and rock ‘n’ roll. They rose to fame in the late 1980s and early 1990s, and their music and lyrics continue to influence and inspire fans around the world. Here are some of the most popular Happy Mondays quotes:

  1. “We are the last of the famous international playboys.”
  2. “Life is what you make it, so let’s make it rock!”
  3. “If it’s too loud, you’re too old!”
  4. “Just another day in the life of the Happy Mondays!”
  5. “We don’t care what people think, we just want to have a good time!”
  6. “Take a little bit of this and a little bit of that, and you’ll have a party!”
  7. “The only way is up!”

2. Who are some of the most famous people to have quoted Happy Mondays?

  • Oasis frontman Liam Gallagher – “Happy Mondays, they were the epitome of the Madchester thing.”
  • Arctic Monkeys frontman Alex Turner – “The Happy Mondays were a great band, they were always a big influence on us when we were writing music.”
  • British singer-songwriter Olly Murs – “I love the Happy Mondays, they’re one of my all-time favourite bands.”
  • English rock band The Stone Roses – “The Happy Mondays were one of the pioneering bands of the Madchester scene.”
  • English singer-songwriter Lily Allen – “I grew up listening to the Happy Mondays and the Stone Roses. I love their music.”

3. How has the popularity of Happy Mondays quotes changed over time?

Happy Mondays quotes have enjoyed a resurgence in popularity in recent years. The band’s witty and often absurdist lyrics have resonated with fans across generations, and their influence can be seen in the many quotes that have become iconic. Here’s a look at how the popularity of Happy Mondays quotes has changed over time:

  • In the early days of the band, Happy Mondays quotes were relatively unknown. They had a small but devoted group of fans, but their words of wisdom had not yet reached a wider audience.
  • As the band achieved greater commercial success in the late 1980s, their songs and lyrics became more popular and their quotes began to become widely recognized.
  • In the early 2000s, Happy Mondays quotes began to appear in popular culture, from movies to advertisements. This helped to spread the band’s influence and cement their status as an iconic British band.
  • Today, Happy Mondays quotes are widely shared and quoted on social media, and the band’s influence can be seen everywhere from fashion to art. Their words of wisdom have become an integral part of British culture, and will continue to be enjoyed by fans for many years to come.

4. What is the origin of the phrase “Happy Mondays”?

The phrase “Happy Mondays” originated in the early 1980s, when the British rock band of the same name formed. Led by singer Shaun Ryder, the band developed a unique sound and style, mixing punk and funk influences. The band’s upbeat, dance-oriented music quickly became popular in the UK, inspiring the phrase “Happy Mondays” to describe their sound and the feeling it instilled in their fans.

The phrase “Happy Mondays” has since become a popular expression to describe a good start to the week. The idea of having a positive attitude toward the beginning of the workweek has taken on a life of its own, becoming a mantra for many people and organizations.

The phrase has been used to describe a variety of activities and events, including:

  • Motivational meetings and conferences
  • Workplace team-building events
  • Corporate wellness programs
  • Networking events and mixers
  • Happy hours

The phrase also appears in popular culture, from television shows and films to advertisements and social media. The phrase has become a way to express enthusiasm and optimism, and it is now used by people around the world.

5. How does the phrase “Happy Mondays” relate to the band of the same name?

The phrase “Happy Mondays” has become synonymous with the band of the same name. The Manchester-based group was formed in 1980 and released their first album in 1985. The title of the album, “Bummed”, was a reference to their sound and the idea that Mondays should be a day to enjoy and look forward to. The band gained mainstream attention in the UK in the late 1980s and early 1990s with their unique sound that blended elements of funk, house, rock and more.

The band’s name is also a reference to their sound, as “Happy Mondays” was the title of one of their most popular songs. The phrase has since become an expression of positivity and joy, often used to describe the feeling of starting a new week or in general a great day.

The phrase has been used in various contexts, from being featured in songs by other artists to being used as a hashtag on social media. It has even been used in marketing campaigns for various products and services.

The phrase “Happy Mondays” is a reminder to all that Mondays can be a great day to start something new, and the band of the same name will always be remembered for their unique sound and influence on popular culture.


The Happy Mondays band has provided us with some wonderful quotes over the years. From their wise words about living life to the fullest and cherishing every moment, to their powerful messages about being true to yourself and embracing change, the Happy Mondays have a lot to offer. Their inspiring words remind us to never give up, and to always strive for the best. Their wisdom has helped us to better understand life and ourselves, and their music has touched countless hearts. So if you ever need a reminder to keep going, look no further than the Happy Mondays’ inspiring quotes.

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