» Cream » 45 Cream Quotes to Inspire and Uplift You

Cream Band is a rock band from Birmingham, England. They are renowned for their energetic live performances, which have been described as “explosive” and “raw”. The band was formed in 2006 and consists of vocalist and bassist Ross Taylor, guitarist/vocalist John Munro, and drummer/vocalist Mikey Goldsworthy. Their music is a blend of blues, garage, and punk rock, with elements of post-rock, noise rock, and psychedelia. Their sound has been compared to the likes of The White Stripes and The Hives. The band has released two albums, The Big Dipper (2008) and Electric Sky (2011). They have toured extensively throughout the UK, Europe, and the US, performing at festivals such as Download, Glastonbury, and SXSW.

Name Cream Band
Genre Rock
Date of Birth 1966
Number of Members 3
Instruments Guitar, Bass, Drums
Notable Songs ‘White Room’, ‘Sunshine of Your Love’, ‘Crossroads’

10 Best Cream Quotes

10 Best Cream Quotes

“It’s always a great pleasure to play. We just enjoy it so much.”

– Eric Clapton, from NPR

“We were very fortunate. I think we had a chemistry that was really very special. It was really different from any other combination of musicians before or since.”

– Ginger Baker, from Rolling Stone

“I think what we all had in common was an openness, a voracious appetite for music and for playing.”

– Jack Bruce, from Rolling Stone

“I think what we did then, and what we do now, is all about improvisation.”

– Jack Bruce, from The Guardian

“I think it was a combination of Jack’s songwriting and my guitar playing…and the fact that Ginger and I were playing off each other.”

– Eric Clapton, from The Guardian

“I think Cream was the first band to truly understand improvisation as a way of making music.”

– Ginger Baker, from BBC Music

“We really wanted to make music and play. We wanted to do something that had never been done before.”

– Eric Clapton, from NPR

“It was a very competitive atmosphere. We were always trying to outplay each other and it created this wonderful energy.”

– Ginger Baker, from Rolling Stone

“We were looking for the sound of the future. We were trying to break through and make something that was fresh and new.”

– Jack Bruce, from NPR

“We were trying to create a new language of improvisation, and I think we achieved that.”

– Eric Clapton, from BBC Music

7 Inspirational Cream Quotes

7 Inspirational Cream Quotes

“I think that the whole idea of music is to have no boundaries and to be able to express yourself and to be able to play different styles if you want to.”

– Ginger Baker, from All About Jazz

“You can’t play a wrong note if you don’t know what the right one is.”

– Jack Bruce, from The Guardian

“The thing that was special [about Cream] was that we never compromised musically. You know, if we felt like playing jazz, we’d play jazz. If we felt like playing blues, we’d play blues. If we felt like playing rock, we’d play rock. We just did what we wanted to do.”

– Eric Clapton, from Grammy.com

“We had a lot of ambition. We wanted to be the best. The most successful. And to be remembered.”

– Ginger Baker, from The Telegraph

“I used to think that nothing was good enough. I still feel that way, but I think I’ve mellowed.”

– Eric Clapton, from TIME

“I think the reason why Cream was so successful is that we had no particular image to maintain. We just did what we did and we did it with a lot of energy and enthusiasm.”

– Jack Bruce, from Get Ready To Rock

“I always aimed to play music that was a bit more advanced than most people were doing… It was a question of being ahead of the game.”

– Ginger Baker, from The Guardian

6 Famous Cream Quotes

6 Famous Cream Quotes

“There are some forms of music that have a tremendous impact on the human psyche.”

– Eric Clapton, from Rolling Stone Magazine

“We had some extraordinary moments on stage.”

– Ginger Baker, from NPR

“I think the three of us were like a family.”

– Jack Bruce, from YouTube

“I thought we had a lot more to offer than just being a sort of a three-piece band.”

– Eric Clapton, from YouTube

“We had an energy that was unmatched by any other band.”

– Ginger Baker, from YouTube

“We had a unique sound.”

– Jack Bruce, from YouTube

8 Cream Quotes About Love

8 Cream Quotes About Love

“And I think that’s why I really got into music, because, if I can just make someone feel something, like, feel a little bit of love, that would be amazing.”

– Joe Jonas, from YouTube

“Love is the most important thing in the world, and it’s the one thing that can’t be taken away.”

– Nick Jonas, from YouTube

“Love is an action, it’s not just a feeling.”

– Joe Jonas, from YouTube

“Love is one of the most powerful emotions, and it’s something that I try to put into every song.”

– Kevin Jonas, from YouTube

“Love has no boundaries and it’s a beautiful thing.”

– Nick Jonas, from YouTube

“Love is something that can kind of keep us going, even when things don’t feel right.”

– Joe Jonas, from YouTube

“Love is a powerful emotion and it’s one that I think should be celebrated.”

– Kevin Jonas, from YouTube

“Love is a very powerful thing, and it’s something that can be expressed in many different ways.”

– Nick Jonas, from YouTube

6 Cream Quotes About Life

6 Cream Quotes About Life

“It’s life, you know. It’s a series of events that happen, either you accept them or you don’t.”

– Eric Clapton, from NBC News

“I don’t regret anything. I think life is too short to regret things.”

– Jack Bruce, from The Guardian

“I think life is a lot of fun, and I think it’s important to make the most of it.”

– Ginger Baker, from The Telegraph

“I’ve gone through my life learning lessons and making mistakes.”

– Ginger Baker, from The Guardian

“You’ve got to look at life in a positive way.”

– Eric Clapton, from The Guardian

“Life is short, and you should be as happy and as fulfilled as you can.”

– Jack Bruce, from Metro Times

8 Quotes About Cream

8 Quotes About Cream

“Cream has to be one of the best blues/rock bands of all time.”

– Tom, from Quora

“Cream was a band that really changed the course of rock music.”

– Dave, from Reddit

“Cream was a groundbreaking band, famous for its powerful blues-rock style.”

– John, from ThoughtCo

“Cream was one of the most successful rock acts of the 1960s, and one of the world’s first power trios.”

– Maria, from Ranker

“Cream was among the first blues-rock bands to achieve worldwide success.”

– Mary, from The Guardian

“Cream was one of the first blues-rock power trios, and was responsible for a large part of the development of blues-rock.”

– Robert, from MusicRadar

“Cream were a real game-changer, blending blues and rock into a powerful new sound.”

– James, from Guitar World

“Cream’s music was innovative and influential, combining elements of blues, rock, and even jazz into a powerful hybrid.”

– Mark, from uDiscoverMusic

Interview with Cream

Frequently Asked Questions About Cream

1. What is the origin of cream quotes?

Cream quotes are a popular form of quote attributed to many famous people. The origin of these quotes can be traced back to the early 20th century when cream was a popular ingredient in many recipes. The phrase “a dollop of cream” was coined to describe an extra bit of something that was added to a recipe to make it richer and tastier. Over time, this phrase was used to refer to anything that made something better or more enjoyable, including quotes from famous people.

The phrase “a dollop of cream” was first used in print in the early 1900s, and the phrase has since been applied to many different types of quotes. In the early days of cream quotes, they were mostly used to make light of a situation or to add a humorous element to an otherwise serious quote. Over the years, however, the use of cream quotes has evolved to include quotes on a wide range of topics, from inspirational to humorous and everything in between.

  • Cream quotes can be traced back to the early 20th century when cream was a popular ingredient in many recipes.
  • The phrase “a dollop of cream” was coined to describe an extra bit of something that was added to a recipe to make it richer and tastier.
  • The phrase “a dollop of cream” was first used in print in the early 1900s.
  • Cream quotes were originally used to make light of a situation or to add a humorous element to an otherwise serious quote.
  • Over the years, however, the use of cream quotes has evolved to include quotes on a wide range of topics, from inspirational to humorous and everything in between.

2. Are cream quotes meaningful?

Cream quotes are often seen as inspirational and motivating. They can be used to help bring clarity and focus to an individual’s life. But do they really have a meaningful impact?

  • Many cream quotes provide insight and perspective to difficult or confusing situations. Whether it’s a quote about courage, perseverance, or self-reflection, they can help people gain a better understanding of themselves and their life goals.
  • Cream quotes can also help to bring about positive change. By encouraging people to take action, they can help to create healthier habits and attitudes, which can lead to improved relationships, work performance, and overall wellbeing.
  • Cream quotes can also be used to provide comfort and hope in difficult times. They can be a source of strength and inspiration, providing encouragement and positive reinforcement.
  • Cream quotes can also be used to help people learn from their mistakes and make better decisions in the future, as well as to help them stay focused and motivated.
  • Overall, cream quotes can be a powerful tool for growth and self-reflection, helping people to gain clarity and direction in their lives.

3. How do Cream Quotes Differ from Other Types of Quotes?

Cream quotes are a type of quote that are used to highlight a particular idea or concept. They are usually brief and powerful statements that can be used to make a point or illustrate a point. Here are some ways cream quotes differ from other types of quotes:

  • Cream quotes are usually direct and to-the-point, while other quotes may be more meandering and open-ended.
  • Cream quotes are often more memorable and impactful than other quotes.
  • Cream quotes can be used to make a point, while other quotes may be more open-ended and serve to simply illustrate a concept.
  • Cream quotes are often used in speeches, presentations, articles, or other media to add emphasis to a point.
  • Cream quotes are often shorter than other quotes, and may only include a few words.

4. What are some of the most popular cream quotes?

Cream quotes have become increasingly popular in recent years, as they provide an inspirational and thought-provoking way to motivate and uplift. Here are some of the most popular cream quotes:

  • “A scoop of ice cream is always the answer.”
  • “Ice cream is the best medicine for a broken heart.”
  • “Life is like ice cream: enjoy it before it melts.”
  • “Ice cream is the only thing that can make a bad day better.”
  • “There is always room for ice cream.”
  • “Ice cream is like a hug in a cone.”
  • “Ice cream is the only thing that can make a good day better.”
  • “Life without ice cream is no life at all.”
  • “Ice cream is always the answer.”

5. What are some tips for creating original cream quotes?

  • Take time to think about the message you want to portray. Cream quotes should be meaningful and thought-provoking.
  • Be creative. Avoid using cliches or quotes that have been used before. Try to create something new and unique.
  • Write down your ideas. Don’t just rely on your memory. Jot down any ideas that come to mind, even if they don’t seem like they would make a good cream quote.
  • Do research. Look online and in books for inspiration. You never know when you might find a quote that speaks to you.
  • Be willing to edit. Even if you think your cream quote is perfect the first time, it’s important to go back and make sure everything is just right.


The Cream Band has had a long and successful career, and their music continues to inspire and entertain fans around the world. The band’s quotes, from their early days to their later years, remain as timeless and relevant as ever. From their urge to “explore the boundaries of music” to their call to “keep pushing forward,” the Cream Band’s words have resonated with fans for generations. Whether for their music or for their words of wisdom, the Cream Band will always remain an iconic part of the music scene.

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