Discover 43 Inspiring Barbra Streisand Quotes

» Barbra Streisand » Discover 43 Inspiring Barbra Streisand Quotes

Barbra Streisand is an American singer, actress, director, and producer. She has achieved success in multiple mediums, including music, television, and film. Streisand has won two Academy Awards, eight Grammy Awards, five Emmy Awards, an honorary Tony Award, and two Golden Globe Awards. She has sold over 145 million albums worldwide, making her one of the best-selling music artists of all time. Streisand has released over 50 studio albums and has achieved 11 number-one albums on the Billboard 200 chart. She is the only recording artist to have a number-one album in each of the last six decades, a feat that has been recognized by the Guinness World Records. Streisand has also starred in numerous films, including Funny Girl, The Way We Were, A Star Is Born, and Yentl.

Name Barbra Streisand
Date of Birth April 24, 1942
Genre Pop, Classic, Jazz, Broadway
Instruments Vocals, Piano
Notable Achievements 2 Academy Awards, 8 Grammy Awards, 5 Emmy Awards, 10 Golden Globe Awards, Kennedy Center Honors, and a Tony Award

10 Best Barbra Streisand Quotes

10 Best Barbra Streisand Quotes

“I’m not a genius, but I’m talented. I’m not a genius, but I’m smart. I’m not a genius, but I’m a hard worker.”

– Barbra Streisand, from Vanity Fair

“My people were always passionate about their beliefs and causes. Fighting for a better life for their children. That’s what motivated them.”

– Barbra Streisand, from Britannica

“I have always been very determined and focused on what I wanted to do, and I have always been a perfectionist.”

– Barbra Streisand, from Interview Magazine

“I am a perfectionist. I don’t like to do things in a half-assed way.”

– Barbra Streisand, from The Hollywood Reporter

“I don’t think you can ever be too ambitious. I think if you have a dream and you want to do it, you should go for it.”

– Barbra Streisand, from ELLE

“I’ve always had a sense of responsibility to my talent, and I take it very seriously.”

– Barbra Streisand, from Interview Magazine

“I’m proud to be a woman, and I’m proud to be strong.”

– Barbra Streisand, from ELLE

“I appreciate the details of life and try to learn from every experience.”

– Barbra Streisand, from Interview Magazine

“The greatest thing about being an artist is the freedom to express yourself and the freedom of choice.”

– Barbra Streisand, from The Hollywood Reporter

“I’m not an actress who can make something out of nothing. I need to have a part that I can make live.”

– Barbra Streisand, from Vanity Fair

8 Inspirational Barbra Streisand Quotes

8 Inspirational Barbra Streisand Quotes

“I think it’s important to have a mission, to have something to strive for.”

– Barbra Streisand, from The Guardian

“If you love what you do, it doesn’t feel like work.”

– Barbra Streisand, from The New York Times

“I don’t feel like a star. I just feel like me.”

– Barbra Streisand, from The Telegraph

“I think it’s important to have a mission and to have something to strive for.”

– Barbra Streisand, from The Hollywood Reporter

“I don’t think you can ever plan your life. I think you just have to go with the flow.”

– Barbra Streisand, from The Guardian

“My greatest ambition was to have my own creative space.”

– Barbra Streisand, from Variety

“Be yourself, know yourself, and don’t take no for an answer.”

– Barbra Streisand, from Vogue

“I want to make a difference and give voice to those who are not heard.”

– Barbra Streisand, from Rolling Stone

5 Famous Barbra Streisand Quotes

5 Famous Barbra Streisand Quotes

“I’m not interested in making a film that reinforces stereotypes of Jews or of any other ethnic group.”

– Barbra Streisand, from The Guardian

“I think if you don’t take risks, then you’ll never know.”

– Barbra Streisand, from The Hollywood Reporter

“I was always an independent person. I think that’s why I’m a feminist.”

– Barbra Streisand, from CBS News

“I think I’m a person who has a lot of respect for the truth – and that is a political statement.”

– Barbra Streisand, from Vanity Fair

“I always had a sense of ambition and felt I could do something with my life.”

– Barbra Streisand, from Rolling Stone

6 Barbra Streisand Quotes About Love

6 Barbra Streisand Quotes About Love

“Love is the most important thing.”

– Barbra Streisand, from Brainy Quote

“Love is the basis of everything.”

– Barbra Streisand, from Brainy Quote

“Love is the only thing you can really give.”

– Barbra Streisand, from Brainy Quote

“People who are in love are in a state of grace.”

– Barbra Streisand, from The New York Times

“Love is worth the risk.”

– Barbra Streisand, from Oprah Magazine

“Love is a very powerful emotion.”

– Barbra Streisand, from The Hollywood Reporter

6 Barbra Streisand Quotes About Life

6 Barbra Streisand Quotes About Life

“Life is a challenge and you have to rise to meet it.”

– Barbra Streisand, from HuffPost

“Life is too short to be anything but happy.”

– Barbra Streisand, from Oprah Magazine

“Life is too short to waste it on worrying or regretting.”

– Barbra Streisand, from HuffPost

“Life is an opportunity to live fully, to reach out and expand and become more.”

– Barbra Streisand, from Interview Magazine

“Life is about learning and growing, and that’s what I’m still doing.”

– Barbra Streisand, from Interview Magazine

“Life is a journey and it’s about growing and changing and coming to terms with who and what you are and loving who and what you are.”

– Barbra Streisand, from Oprah Magazine

8 Quotes About Barbra Streisand

8 Quotes About Barbra Streisand

“Barbra Streisand is the greatest artist of all time.”

– Madonna, from Daily Star

“Streisand is a true artist in every sense of the word.”

– Clive Davis, from

“Barbra is a true artist.”

– Jerry Weintraub, from Variety

“Streisand is an icon, an artist, and a role model.”

– E! News, from E! News

“Barbra Streisand is an artist of immense talent.”

– CBS News, from CBS News

“Streisand is a unique artist.”

– LA Times, from LA Times

“Barbra Streisand is an extraordinary artist.”

– Rob Marshall, from Hollywood Reporter

“Streisand is a living legend and an incomparable artist.”

– Jennifer Aniston, from Hollywood Reporter

Interview with Barbra Streisand

Frequently Asked Questions About Barbra Streisand

1. What are some of Barbra Streisand’s most memorable quotes?

Barbra Streisand is one of the most iconic and beloved singers of her generation, and her words are just as memorable as her voice. Here are some of her most iconic quotes:

  • “Life’s too short to be anything but happy.”
  • “The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.”
  • “If you don’t take risks, you’ll have a wasted soul.”
  • “The most important thing is to have a good relationship with the people you love.”
  • “Take chances, make mistakes. That’s how you grow.”
  • “I’ve been called many things, but never an optimist.”
  • “If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours. And if they don’t, they never were.”
  • “Dreams are the touchstones of our character.”
  • “The most powerful words in the English language are ‘Tell me a story.'”
  • “The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which to burn.”

2. How has Barbra Streisand’s work and quotes inspired people?

Barbra Streisand has been a source of inspiration and empowerment for millions of people around the globe. Her work in music, acting, and activism has been an example of resilience and success, with her quotes often serving as a source of motivation.

  • She has inspired countless women to pursue their dreams and passions, despite the odds.
  • She has motivated people to stand up for what is right and fight against injustice.
  • Her work has shown the importance of hard work and dedication, inspiring many to never give up.
  • Her quotes have served as a reminder to never stop striving for excellence and to always believe in oneself.
  • She has encouraged people to stay true to themselves and never compromise their values.
  • Her words have been a source of hope and positivity, inspiring people to make the most out of life.

In short, Barbra Streisand’s work and quotes have had a lasting impact on generations of people around the world, inspiring them to be the best versions of themselves and to never give up on their dreams.

3. What Message Does Barbra Streisand’s Quotes Carry?

Barbra Streisand has offered many inspirational quotes that carry powerful messages. Here are some of the most inspiring quotes from the iconic artist:

  • “Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more.”
  • “The kindest word I can say to someone who is struggling is, ‘Hang on, you’re going to make it.'”
  • “I’m not interested in age. People who tell me their age are silly. You’re as old as you feel.”
  • “Dreams are what makes life worth living, so never give up on them.”
  • “There is no greater gift than being able to share love with the people that you care about.”
  • “If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.”

Overall, Barbra Streisand’s quotes carry a message of hope, resilience, and courage. She encourages us to dream, to never give up and to keep striving for our goals. She also points out that life is a gift and we should use it to give back to the world. Finally, Streisand emphasizes the importance of love and that it is the greatest gift we can share with others.

4. How has Barbra Streisand’s quotes evolved over time?

Barbra Streisand is one of the most iconic singers and songwriters of the 20th century, and her quotes have evolved over time to match the changing times. From her early years in the entertainment industry to her more recent work, she has consistently spoken out about issues that she cares about, from women’s rights to the environment.

  • In the 1960s, her quotes were often about her own career, as well as the status of women in the entertainment industry.
  • In the 1970s and 1980s, she spoke out about the need for women’s rights, as well as her own experiences with sexism in the industry.
  • In the 1990s and 2000s, her quotes began to focus more on social and environmental justice, as well as her own activism.
  • In the 2010s and 2020s, she has continued to speak out about social and environmental issues, while also highlighting the importance of mental health and self-care.

Overall, Barbra Streisand’s quotes have evolved over time to reflect her own personal experiences, as well as the changing times. Through her words, she has encouraged generations of people to speak out about issues that matter to them, and she has encouraged us to work together to create a better future.

5. How has Barbra Streisand’s Quotes impacted the Entertainment Industry?

  • Barbra Streisand’s quotes are inspiring and thought-provoking, providing a unique perspective into the entertainment industry and inspiring many creatives.
  • Her quotes offer insight into the challenges and successes of the entertainment industry, and her words have been a source of comfort for many who are looking for encouragement.
  • Barbra Streisand’s quotes have also been a source of motivation for many actors and musicians, pushing them to work harder and become the best they can be.
  • Streisand’s quotes have also been featured in many films and television shows, including her own films and shows, helping to spread her message and impact to a wider audience.
  • Her quotes have been shared and used as inspiration by many in the entertainment industry, helping to shape the industry as a whole.


Barbra Streisand is one of the most iconic and beloved figures in the music industry. Her unique and timeless music has been inspiring generations of fans and artists alike, and her brilliant quotes will remain in the hearts of many. She is an artist who has inspired millions and her words will continue to inspire and motivate future generations.

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