44 Albert King Quotes to Inspire and Motivate

» Albert King » 44 Albert King Quotes to Inspire and Motivate

Albert King (April 25, 1923 – December 21, 1992) was an American blues guitarist and singer-songwriter. He is one of the most influential blues musicians of all time. He is best known for his driving, soulful style of guitar playing, and for his powerful vocals. He was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1988. King was known for his powerful string bends, vibrato, and unique phrasing. He wrote and recorded some of the most memorable blues songs of all time, including “Crosscut Saw,” “Born Under a Bad Sign,” and “The Sky Is Crying.” He was also a master of the blues guitar, playing with a low-tuned, heavy tone that was often imitated but never matched. King’s influence on blues guitar can be heard in the playing of such greats as Stevie Ray Vaughan, Eric Clapton, and B.B. King.

Name Albert King
Genres Blues, Electric Blues, Soul Blues
Instruments Guitar, Vocals
Date of Birth April 25, 1923
Origin Indianola, Mississippi, United States
Years Active 1953-1992
Labels Stax, Vanguard, Chess, King

10 Best Albert King Quotes

10 Best Albert King Quotes

“I’ve been playing music since I was about 8 years old. I took up the guitar, and I was gonna be a singer.”

– Albert King, from Guitar World

“I never had a lesson. I learned the hard way. I tried to do like all other guitar players did. I couldn’t. I tried to do like all the other singers did. I couldn’t.”

– Albert King, from All Music

“I started out in the church, playing spirituals. I had to learn to play blues.”

– Albert King, from Rolling Stone

“I’m not a show-off. I don’t believe in showing off. If I can show you I’m good, then why show off?”

– Albert King, from The Guardian

“I don’t think I ever had a style. I just played what I felt. I never studied music. I just went out and played.”

– Albert King, from Classic Bands

“I’m not a practice-room player. I don’t practice at home. I just go out and play.”

– Albert King, from Guitar Player

“I’m not a sophisticated guy. I’m just a country boy.”

– Albert King, from All About Jazz

“I am a blues player. I’m not a jazz player. I’m not a rock player. I’m a blues player.”

– Albert King, from All Music

“You’ve got to feel it. If you don’t feel it, don’t play it.”

– Albert King, from Guitar Player

“When I hear something I like, I try to learn it.”

– Albert King, from All About Jazz

8 Inspirational Albert King Quotes

8 Inspirational Albert King Quotes

“I don’t play what I know, I play what I feel.”

– Albert King, from YouTube

“I don’t care what they say, I’m gonna keep on playing.”

– Albert King, from YouTube

“Find something that you like to do and keep on working until you master it.”

– Albert King, from YouTube

“You can’t copy somebody else’s sound. It’s got to be you.”

– Albert King, from YouTube

“The only way to learn to play your instrument is to practice, practice, practice.”

– Albert King, from YouTube

“You never stop learning.”

– Albert King, from YouTube

“I never tried to be different from anybody else, I just tried to be different from myself.”

– Albert King, from YouTube

“I try to put as much feeling as I can into my music.”

– Albert King, from YouTube

6 Famous Albert King Quotes

6 Famous Albert King Quotes

“The blues is a feeling. You can’t play the blues until you feel it.”

– Albert King, from YouTube

“You can play the same song a thousand different ways and it will still be the same song.”

– Albert King, from YouTube

“I’d much rather be a blues guitar player than a rock and roll guitar player.”

– Albert King, from YouTube

“It’s just something that I got to do.”

– Albert King, from YouTube

“There’s no wrong or right way in blues, ’cause when you do it right you can’t do it wrong.”

– Albert King, from YouTube

“I believe that it is better to be real than to be fake.”

– Albert King, from YouTube

5 Albert King Quotes About Love

5 Albert King Quotes About Love

“Love has always been a great thing to me. It’s one of the most important things in life.”

– Albert King, from All About Jazz

“Love is the thing that keeps us all together. Love, peace, happiness and understanding.”

– Albert King, from Rolling Stone

“Love is the one thing that I’m trying to get across in my music.”

– Albert King, from All About Jazz

“Love is the main thing. It’s the thing that people want to hear.”

– Albert King, from All About Jazz

“Love is the most beautiful thing in the world. It’s what I’m trying to express with my music.”

– Albert King, from Rolling Stone

8 Albert King Quotes About Life

8 Albert King Quotes About Life

“The only way to live is to take life as it comes.”

– Albert King, from Soul Express

“You have to work hard and you have to practice at it, and then you can make it.”

– Albert King, from Guitar Player

“I think it’s important to stay humble and stay in touch with my fans.”

– Albert King, from Guitar Player

“You can’t ever learn too much.”

– Albert King, from Guitar Player

“Everybody has something to do in life, and they have to find out what it is.”

– Albert King, from Guitar Player

“You gotta know what you’re doin’ when you get out there.”

– Albert King, from Guitar Player

“It’s like a puzzle. You got to fit the pieces together.”

– Albert King, from Soul Express

“The way to make it is to practice and keep trying.”

– Albert King, from Soul Express

7 Quotes About Albert King

7 Quotes About Albert King

“Albert King was the most important blues artist of the post-war era.”

– All Music Guide, from allmusic.com

“Albert King was one of the most influential blues guitarists of all time.”

– Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, from rockhall.com

“Albert King’s blues style was a huge influence on the blues-rock guitarists of the late 1960s and ‘70s.”

– Rolling Stone magazine, from rollingstone.com

“Albert King was a master of the electric guitar and a powerful vocalist.”

– The New York Times, from nytimes.com

“Albert King was one of the most influential bluesmen of all time.”

– The Guardian, from theguardian.com

“Albert King was universally recognized as one of the greatest bluesmen of all time.”

– BBC, from bbc.co.uk

“Albert King was a larger-than-life bluesman, who helped to shape the sound of modern blues.”

– Blues Revue magazine, from bluesrevue.com

Interview with Albert King

Frequently Asked Questions About Albert King

1. What is Albert King’s most famous quote?

Albert King (1923-1992) was a renowned blues musician and songwriter who made a name for himself in the industry. As one of the “Three Kings of the Blues Guitar” (along with B.B. King and Freddie King), Albert King was an influential figure in popular music.

As a prolific musician, Albert King wrote many memorable songs and quotes. One of Albert King’s most famous quotes is “If you don’t give up, you can’t fail.” This quote speaks to Albert King’s passion for music and his belief that if you put your all into something, you can’t be a failure.

Another of Albert King’s famous quotes is “You can’t tell the young people nothing.” This quote reflects Albert King’s recognition of the power of the younger generation and their potential to shape the future.

Finally, Albert King is also renowned for the quote “Music is a language that doesn’t speak in particular words. It speaks in emotions.” This quote captures the power of music to evoke emotion and to bring people together.

  • “If you don’t give up, you can’t fail.”
  • “You can’t tell the young people nothing.”
  • “Music is a language that doesn’t speak in particular words. It speaks in emotions.”

2. What topics did Albert King often write about?

Albert King was an influential blues musician, singer, and songwriter. His lyrics often explored the struggles of life, love, and relationships, as well as the pain of poverty and racism. King was a master of his craft and wrote many timeless songs that still resonate today.

Here are some of the topics King wrote about:

  • Love and relationships
  • The blues
  • Social issues, such as poverty and racism
  • The joys and struggles of life
  • The power of music

King was a true genius, and his songs spoke to the hearts and souls of countless people around the world. His legacy still lives on in his timeless music.

3. What is the origin of Albert King’s famous quote “Be careful how you judge people”?

Albert King’s famous quote “Be careful how you judge people” originates from his speech at the 1963 March on Washington. During his speech, King spoke about the importance of understanding and compassion towards others, regardless of their race, gender, or social class. He argued that we should be careful not to judge people without understanding the context of their life and circumstances, saying:

  • “We must not condemn the whole of a race or color because of the acts of a few. We must judge people not by the color of their skin, but the content of their character. So I say to you, be careful how you judge people.”

Since then, King’s quote has become an iconic phrase that has been widely embraced by many people around the world. His words have been used to remind us to think twice before making snap judgements on someone else, and to always strive to look beyond the surface before judging a person.

4. What are some of Albert King’s most inspirational quotes?

Albert King was a legendary blues singer, songwriter, and guitarist who inspired many with his soulful music and wise words. Here are some of his most inspirational quotes to help you stay motivated and inspired:

  • “You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find you get what you need.”
  • “You can’t stay in the same place if you want to stay alive.”
  • “If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.”
  • “The greatest thing you can do is keep your dreams alive.”
  • “No matter how bad things get, you can always make it through.”
  • “The only way to get ahead is to work hard and never give up.”
  • “If you don’t believe in yourself, no one else will.”
  • “The only way to make it through life is to take it one day at a time.”

5. What is the main message of Albert King’s quotes?

Albert King was a renowned blues musician and singer-songwriter whose music and quotes continue to inspire many today. His quotes often focus on themes of love, resilience, and perseverance. The main message of Albert King’s quotes is that life is full of obstacles, but with hard work, determination, and a positive mindset, it is possible to overcome them.

Below are some of the main ideas of Albert King’s quotes:

  • Love is essential to a meaningful life.
  • Success requires hard work and determination.
  • It is important to remain positive, even in the face of adversity.
  • Life is full of obstacles, but it is possible to overcome them.
  • Life is too short to dwell on the negative.


In conclusion, Albert King was a legendary blues and R&B artist whose influence is still felt today. His passion for music and his unique guitar style has inspired generations of blues and R&B musicians. His quotes capture his spirit, humor, and passion for music. Albert King’s music and words will continue to inspire generations to come.

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