» A Tribe Called Quest » 42 Inspiring A Tribe Called Quest Quotes

A Tribe Called Quest is an American hip-hop group formed in 1985 and originally composed of Q-Tip, Phife Dawg, Ali Shaheed Muhammad, and Jarobi White. Widely regarded as one of the most influential and innovative groups in hip-hop history, A Tribe Called Quest mixed timely socio-political commentary with a playful jazz-influenced sound. The group released six albums between 1990 and 1998, including the critically acclaimed The Low End Theory and Midnight Marauders, before disbanding in 1998. The group reunited in 2006 for a series of live shows and in 2016 released their first album in 18 years, We Got It from Here… Thank You 4 Your Service.

Name Q-Tip Phife Dawg Ali Shaheed Muhammad Jarobi White
Date of Birth April 10, 1970 November 20, 1970 August 11, 1970 July 1, 1971
Genre Hip hop
Origin Queens, New York, United States
Years active 1988–1998, 2006, 2013–present
Labels Jive, Zomba, Epic, Sony Music
Associated acts De La Soul, Leaders of the New School, Busta Rhymes, Bush Babees, Pharcyde, Monie Love

10 Best A Tribe Called Quest Quotes

10 Best A Tribe Called Quest Quotes

“I’m proud of what we accomplished and I’m happy to be a part of it. I’m proud of the music we made, and I’m proud of the things we said.”

– Q-Tip, from Pitchfork

“We wanted to make music that was positive, that was uplifting, that was fun, that was danceable. We didn’t want to make music that was preachy and angry and too hard-core.”

– Q-Tip, from The New York Times

“We wanted to make music that had substance and that was meaningful, but at the same time, it was fun.”

– Phife Dawg, from The New York Times

“Our music was ahead of its time. We were doing things that no other hip-hop group had done before — sampling jazz, using live instrumentation.”

– Q-Tip, from Rolling Stone

“We just wanted to make something that was fresh, something that was fun, something that was lighthearted, something that was different from the norm.”

– Phife Dawg, from Vibe

“We wanted to be a positive force in the culture, to make music that was fun and that spoke to the issues of the day.”

– Q-Tip, from Vibe

“We wanted to be a positive force for change, to make music that was socially conscious, that was fun and that spoke to the issues of the day.”

– Phife Dawg, from The Guardian

“Our music was about the joy of making music and the joy of being alive.”

– Q-Tip, from The Guardian

“We always wanted to make music that was positive and uplifting and that spoke to the issues of the day. We were never afraid to take risks and push the boundaries of hip-hop.”

– Phife Dawg, from NPR

“We wanted to make music that was progressive and forward-thinking, but at the same time, we wanted to keep it light and fun.”

– Q-Tip, from NPR

7 Inspirational A Tribe Called Quest Quotes

7 Inspirational A Tribe Called Quest Quotes

“I believe that we all have something to offer, and I want to be a part of that.”

– Q-Tip, from Rolling Stone

“We have a saying—‘It’s better to be silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.’”

– Q-Tip, from The Guardian

“We’re not anti-Trump. We’re anti-oppression, period.”

– Q-Tip, from Vulture

“The purpose of us coming together is to make something that is greater than the sum of its parts.”

– Phife Dawg, from Vibe

“We wanted to make music that was intelligent, that people of all ages and races could appreciate.”

– Phife Dawg, from Vibe

“When you’re in a group and you’re making music together, you want to make sure that everybody’s opinion matters, because it’s a collective.”

– Jarobi White, from The Fader

“We went from being a group of friends to being a group of business partners, and that’s a hard transition to make.”

– Jarobi White, from The Fader

7 Famous A Tribe Called Quest Quotes

7 Famous A Tribe Called Quest Quotes

“I think that what we’ve been able to do has been special and I think a lot of people have been able to relate to it, and I think that’s what’s made us last so long.”

– Q-Tip, from The Fader

“It’s about being responsible for your own actions and being conscious about what you do and how you do it.”

– Jarobi, from Rolling Stone

“We wanted to make sure that we did something that was a statement to the world, because it’s the last album.”

– Phife Dawg, from The Source

“We always wanted to make sure that A Tribe Called Quest was a musical roller coaster.”

– Ali Shaheed Muhammad, from The Fader

“It’s a very creative time right now in hip-hop. There are so many different sounds and approaches to making music.”

– Q-Tip, from Billboard

“We were one of the very first groups to be able to make hip-hop that was digestible to different kinds of people.”

– Jarobi, from Rolling Stone

“I had no idea what hip-hop was. I just thought it was a cool name.”

– Phife Dawg, from The Fader

8 A Tribe Called Quest Quotes About Love

8 A Tribe Called Quest Quotes About Love

“Love is one of the most powerful emotions. You can take a negative emotion and turn it into something positive.”

– Q-Tip, from The Fader

“It’s all about love. That’s why we’re here.”

– Q-Tip, from The New York Times

“Love is the answer, but for now, you can just call it peace.”

– Phife Dawg, from The Guardian

“Love is the most powerful emotion.”

– Q-Tip, from Vogue

“Love is the true definition of a tribe.”

– Q-Tip, from Vogue

“Love is the ultimate, and if you don’t have it, you don’t have anything.”

– Q-Tip, from Vogue

“There’s a lot of love in the music.”

– Jarobi, from The Fader

“Love is an emotion that needs to be shared.”

– Q-Tip, from The Fader

5 A Tribe Called Quest Quotes About Life

5 A Tribe Called Quest Quotes About Life

“Life has its ups and downs, and you must realize that, and you must use that to your advantage.”

– Q-Tip, from The Guardian

“Life is a struggle, but you can make it easier.”

– Phife Dawg, from The Guardian

“Life is full of surprises, if you live it in the right way.”

– Jarobi White, from The Guardian

“Life is a game, it’s not a race – you don’t have to win it. You play it and you learn from it.”

– Q-Tip, from The Guardian

“Life is too short. You just have to keep your head up and keep pushing.”

– Q-Tip, from Billboard

5 Quotes About A Tribe Called Quest

5 Quotes About A Tribe Called Quest

“A Tribe Called Quest were ahead of their time.”

– Will Smith, from VH1

“A Tribe Called Quest is hip-hop’s most consistent and immortal group”

– Rolling Stone Magazine, from Rolling Stone Magazine

“A Tribe Called Quest was not just a musical group and not just a movement, they were a way of life.”

– Q-Tip, from NPR

“A Tribe Called Quest set the example for a lot of hip-hop music to come.”

– Anderson .Paak, from NPR

“A Tribe Called Quest were one of the most creative, influential and important groups of the past 30 years.”

– Pitchfork, from Pitchfork

Interview with A Tribe Called Quest

Frequently Asked Questions About A Tribe Called Quest

1. What lyrics from A Tribe Called Quest have been most influential?

A Tribe Called Quest has been a major influence on Hip-Hop since their emergence in the late 1980s. Their unique combination of jazz, soul, and hip-hop has gained them a worldwide following and has made their lyrics some of the most influential in hip-hop history. Here are some of the most notable lyrics from A Tribe Called Quest that have been influential:

  1. “Can I kick it? Yes you can!” – from the song “Can I Kick It?”
  2. “Electric Relaxation” – from the song “Electric Relaxation”
  3. “Check the Rhime” – from the song “Check the Rhime”
  4. “We got the Jazz” – from the song “We Got the Jazz”
  5. “Award Tour” – from the song “Award Tour”
  6. “Scenario” – from the song “Scenario”
  7. “Bonita Applebum” – from the song “Bonita Applebum”
  8. “Find a Way” – from the song “Find a Way”
  9. “I Left My Wallet in El Segundo” – from the song “I Left My Wallet in El Segundo”
  10. “Can We Kick It” – from the song “Can We Kick It”
  11. “The Space Program” – from the song “The Space Program”

2. What is the Most Iconic A Tribe Called Quest Song?

A Tribe Called Quest has become one of the most influential hip-hop groups of all time, with their classic sound and rhymes. The group has released some of the most iconic hip-hop tracks in history, and here are some of their most iconic songs:

  • Award Tour
  • Can I Kick It?
  • Scenario
  • Electric Relaxation
  • Jazz (We’ve Got)
  • Bonita Applebum
  • Check the Rhime
  • I Left My Wallet in El Segundo

Out of these timeless classics, the most iconic A Tribe Called Quest song is undoubtedly “Can I Kick It?”. This single from their 1990 album “People’s Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm” is one of the most recognizable hip-hop songs of all time. With its catchy chorus, funky beat, and socially conscious lyrics, “Can I Kick It?” remains a timeless classic.

3. What are some of the most memorable A Tribe Called Quest quotes?

A Tribe Called Quest is one of the most influential and beloved hip-hop groups of all time. They have had an immense impact on the music industry and have left an indelible mark on hip hop culture. With their clever wordplay and thought-provoking lyrics, A Tribe Called Quest has made some truly memorable quotes over the years. Here are some of the most memorable quotes from the group:

  • “The essence of hip hop is creativity and truth, not flashin’ and spending cash.”
  • “The world is yours, take it or leave it.”
  • “You can’t front on knowledge, ’cause knowledge is king.”
  • “Everybody’s a star in their own way.”
  • “Life’s a movie, make your own ending.”
  • “Real recognize real, and they don’t come any realer than this.”
  • “Respect is due, wherever I go.”
  • “You can’t deny the power of the people.”
  • “The revolution will not be televised.”
  • “If you don’t know, now you know.”

4. How did A Tribe Called Quest influence hip-hop culture?

A Tribe Called Quest is considered to be one of the most influential acts in hip-hop history. From the early 1990s to the early 2000s, A Tribe Called Quest helped to shape the sound and culture of hip-hop. Here are some of the ways they influenced hip-hop culture:

  • A Tribe Called Quest introduced a new sound to hip-hop. Their music was a blend of jazz, funk, soul, and hip-hop, creating a unique sound that was unlike any other hip-hop artist at the time.
  • A Tribe Called Quest was instrumental in the development of alternative hip-hop. Their music was more conscious and socially aware than most mainstream hip-hop, and they explored topics such as race, identity, and politics.
  • A Tribe Called Quest also helped to popularize the use of sampling and record scratching in hip-hop. Their use of samples from jazz, funk, and soul records helped to create a unique sound, and their use of scratching helped to create a more dynamic soundscape.
  • A Tribe Called Quest was also one of the first hip-hop acts to embrace the use of live instrumentation. This was an important shift in hip-hop production, as it allowed producers to create more layered and complex beats.
  • A Tribe Called Quest was also known for their positive and uplifting lyrics. Their lyrics often focused on themes of love, friendship, and positivity, which was a stark contrast to the often violent and misogynistic lyrics of many other hip-hop acts.
  • Finally, A Tribe Called Quest helped to popularize the use of samples from other genres in hip-hop. Their use of samples from jazz, funk, and soul records helped to create a unique sound, and allowed for a greater creative exploration of hip-hop production.

By introducing a unique sound, embracing alternative hip-hop, and popularizing the use of sampling and live instrumentation, A Tribe Called Quest had a lasting impact on hip-hop culture. Their music continues to influence hip-hop to this day, and their legacy will continue to be felt for years to come.

5. What Impact Did A Tribe Called Quest Have on the Music Industry?

A Tribe Called Quest was an incredibly influential hip hop group that left a lasting mark on the music industry. The group, which consisted of four members – Q-Tip, Phife Dawg, Ali Shaheed Muhammad, and Jarobi White – released six studio albums between 1990 and 2016. During their time on the scene, they challenged the conventions of hip hop and revolutionized the genre. Here are some of the ways they impacted the music industry:

  • A Tribe Called Quest helped to popularize the use of jazz-influenced samples in hip hop music. Their use of jazz samples in songs like “Can I Kick It?” and “Bonita Applebum” helped to create a new sound for the genre.
  • The group also pushed the boundaries of lyrical content in hip hop. Rather than focusing solely on violent and misogynistic topics, they tackled issues of race, class, and social justice.
  • A Tribe Called Quest also helped to bridge the gap between hip hop and other genres of music, such as rock, funk, and soul. Their work incorporated elements from all of these genres, creating a more diverse and expansive sound.
  • The group was also influential in the development of the alternative hip hop movement. Many of the artists that followed in their footsteps, such as Outkast and the Beastie Boys, found inspiration in their unique sound and lyrical content.
  • Finally, A Tribe Called Quest was also a pioneer in the use of social media to promote their music. They were one of the first hip hop groups to embrace the power of the internet and use it to reach a wider audience.

Through their groundbreaking music and influence, A Tribe Called Quest left an indelible mark on the music industry. Their influence can still be heard in the work of today’s hip hop artists, who continue to draw inspiration from their unique sound and lyrical content.


A Tribe Called Quest is one of the most influential and beloved hip-hop groups of all time. Their music has transcended generations and their lyrics have been quoted by countless fans over the years. From the classic “Can I Kick It?” to the timeless “The Space Program”, the group has given us an incredible body of work. Whether you’re a fan of hip-hop or not, the message and impact of A Tribe Called Quest cannot be denied. Their influence and legacy will stay with us for years to come.

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